Chapter 27

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Jass's pov

I was sitting, in my wheelchair again, between Seth and Blaine's beds. Yes, I had managed to convince the hospital staff to move Seth and Blaine to a new room with two beds. It wasn't that hard to do since the nurse who changed my bandages when the shooting happened felt so bad for what she had done that she made it happen.

You see, yesterday, when the bastard came to the hospital and tried to get Seth again but Blaine stopped him, I had been in my hospital room getting my bandages changed by a nurse when we heard the scream. At first, the nurse had insisted that it was probably just a patient getting mad like it often happened in here, but then we heard the first gun shot. It sounded very close and I had immediately jumped to my feet, worried that Seth may be in trouble but the nurse had blocked my path to the door. She tried to convince me to sit back down and let the cops take care of the situation outside for they had surely been called but I had insisted to leave. So she decided that the only way to stop me was to knock me out and she was right, I wouldn't have stopped any other way.

It's safe to say that when I woke up, I was fucking pissed. The only thing that kept me from going psycho on the bitch, who was still standing near me when I woke up, was the fact that she had offered to take me to Seth right away. Once she had wheeled me into his room and that I had made absolutely sure that Seth was ok, well as ok as can be after all the shit he went through, I asked her what had happened and she told me every detail.

I felt like I owed Blaine something for risking his life to save my baby, even though he was in love with Seth too and would have done it no matter what, so I asked the nurse to transfer them to a room that can hold two bed and she had accepted right away to make up for knocking me out. And now here we are, me sitting between Seth and Blaine, holding on to Seth's hand with a death grip, unwilling to leave him alone again.

It was the middle of the afternoon and I had yet to eat anything since yesterday. I found myself staring at Blaine's face, taking in every detail of it. I hadn't noticed before just how handsome he was. Don't get me wrong, Seth was still cuter and sexier then Blaine and I would never cheat on Seth even to save my own life, but if I had never met Seth I definitely wouldn't have minded dating Blaine.

I shook my head, clearing it of the thoughts running around in my mind and looked back at Seth. I shagged and squeezed his hand softly for what must have been the thousandth time since yesterday.

"Please wake up baby, I miss you so fucking much." I whispered against his hand that was pressed against my lips.

A few tears escaped my eyes and I whipped them away with the back of my hand without letting go of Seth. Why wouldn't he wake up?

I gently placed his hand back down on the bed and wheeled myself over to the other side of the bed where two glasses were sitting on the bedside table, one for me and one for Seth in case he woke up. I pored myself a glass and downed it quickly before adding more water to the glass and making my way back to sit between the two beds. I went to Blaine's bed this time, placing my hand on his.

"I don't know if you can hear me but I need to say this even if you don't hear it. Thank you for protecting Seth when I couldn't. I know you'll wake up soon, at least that's what the doc said, but I had to get it off my chest." I told him.

I returned to Seth's side and just as I was about to take his hand in mine again, I heard two gasps and my glass fell out f my hand when I saw Seth's eyes shoot open.

"Seth? Oh my god Seth, baby, your awake! I missed you so fucking much!" I shouted, ignoring the slight pain that coursed through my body as I stood up from the wheelchair and wrapped my arms around Seth's shoulders, being as careful as possible of his injuries.

I hugged him as if my life depended on it and he hugged me back just as hard. Tears of joy were streaming down my face when I finally pulled back from him, a big grin on my face. I cupped his face in my hands as we both just stared into each others eyes until I finally couldn't take it anymore and kissed him with all the passion I had.

Someone cleared their throat behind me and I pulled away from Seth, sitting back in my wheelchair and taking Seth's hand in mine. I looked towards the source of the sound only to find Blaine sitting up in bed, looking at us with slightly flushed cheeks.

"Your awake too? You guys have good timing, waking up at the same time." I said.

"What can I say? We have a connection me and Seth." Blaine said, making me frown slightly.

"Hey Blaine? This might sound weird but did you um... see me when you were knocked out?" Seth asked.

"Yeah I did! So I take it it wasn't a dream then." Blaine answered.

"So does that mean I was in your head?" Seth questioned.

"Um, I guess so yeah since your the one who woke me up in there." Blaine answered.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" I asked.

They explained everything that happened while they were knocked out. From Seth being stuck in darkness for a long time until a voice brought him to Blaine and the discussion they had.

"Wait! Blaine you were about to tell me something important when we woke up!" Seth said with a look of realization on his face.

"Oh, right..." Blaine trailed off, scratching the back of his head with his good arm and glancing at me.

"Fuck it, I'm just gonna say it. Seth, I love you. I have loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you in high school." Blaine rushed out before looking down at his lap, as if dreading Seth's reaction but all that came was silence.

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