Chapter 26

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Seth's pov

Everything was dark. It had been this way for so long that I had lost track of time. I wanted out of here so badly. I just wanted to see Jass again and move on with my life. Sometimes, I could feel hand holding mine and I knew somehow that they were his. It was like holding the hand of a ghost, you could feel it but you couldn't see it. The thing that baffled me though is that there were two pairs of hands holding mine at times. Who was this other mystery person holding my hand?

Fuck, I need out of here! I tried everything I could think of but nothing worked! I was going fucking crazy!

I thought back to the other bay, I had died for a while I was sure of it. The same light had appeared as when I had died while in captivity in the cottage. I was just grateful that someone had managed to bring me back again. No matter how much it hurts when I wake up, I don't want to die.

"Psssst, over here." A small masculin voice whispered.

I turned around but there was no one there. Had I imagined it?

"No you didn't. Come this way." It said off to my right.

I turned towards it but all I saw was darkness.

"Comme on! I don't have much time. Just trust me and follow my voice." It commanded.

I walked forwards slowly.

"That's it, don't stop. You have to hurry up, if I get caught doing this again they'll kill me." It said.

Wait, again? What was this voice talking about? Who was gonna kill him?

"I'm a sucker for love what can I say. Now come on, walk faster." It said, a gush of wind appearing out of nowhere and making me stumble forward faster.

Man, I'm confused. Where the fuck am I going? Why the hell am I even following this voice? Oh right, cuz I've been in this dark hole for who knows how long and I have nothing better to do.

"Your almost there I promise." It said.

I continued walking until the ground suddenly disappeared from under my feet and I start falling. I screamed and shut my eyes, not wanting to see the ground I would inevitably hit.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt." The voice said, sounding like it was following me.

"Why should I trust you?" I shouted back, bracing for impact.

"A bit late for that don't you think sweetheart?" It asked.

Just as I was about to answer, I hit something soft, bouncing on it a little.

"See? I told you it wouldn't hurt." The voice exclaims right beside me.

"Good, now let's go. Their gonna notice your missing soon." It added.

A white light appeared in front of me and hovered for a minute, allowing me to see the grey ground under me faintly.

"Follow me!" It said, the light starting to move forward.

"Why didn't you do this light trick before? It would have been so much easier to follow you." I questioned.

"Cuz you would have seen the drop before you got to it and you would have refused to jump and I would have been caught." It explained.

I followed the light in silence after that until it suddenly stopped and I could faintly see a body lying on the ground.

"You don't have much time before they catch on and comme get you. I'll leave the light here so that you can see each other but I have to go. Enjoy your time together." The voice said before everything became quiet again.

"Wait! Who is that? What going on?" I questioned but got no reply.

I approached the person on the ground slowly, examining their face to see if I recognized them but I didn't.

I nudged him with the tip of my shoe, hoping that he wasn't dead and to my relief, he groaned, turning his head to the other side.

I crouched down and shook his shoulder slightly.

"Hey! Wake up." I said.

The man took a sudden deep breath and shot up, almost hitting my head with his.

"Whoa slow down. You almost bashed my head in there." I said, sitting back on my hunches.

He turned towards me and his eyes widened, his mouth falling open.

"S-Seth?" He asked.

"Um, yeah... do I know you?" I questioned back.

"Oh my god! Your ok! I'm so fucking happy!" He shouted, hugging me.

I sat there awkwardly until he finally let go.

"Wait, were are we? Oh my god! Were dead aren't we? And if your dead that means your not ok, and I failed to protect you again!" He panicked, tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Dude, calm down. Were not dead, were just in a coma. Well, at least I am. For all I know, your just a figment of my imagination and i've gone crazy. Now tell me, who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, right, you probably don't recognize me. It's me, Blain." He said and my heart stopped for a second there.

"Bl-Blain?" I asked stupidly.

I hadn't seen him is so long that I had completely forgotten about him. He was my very first crush, even before Sean. How could I forget him like this? I had liked him so much back then but had never had the guts to tell him.

"Yeah baby, it's me. God I missed you so much." He said, pulling me into another hug that I returned this time.

"I'm so sorry I left you. I should have stayed. I could have prevented all of this." He said, more tears falling down his cheeks.

"It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known that it would turn out like this." I croaked out, tears streaming down my cheeks now.

"How did you get here?" I questioned.

"It's kind of a long story but to make it short, I got shot trying to stop that bastard that kidnapped you, Deamon, from getting to you in the hospital, I beat the crap out of him and now I'm here." He explained.

I was speechless for a moment. He protected me from Deamon at the risk of his own life just like Jass had done the only difference being that we were basically strangers after not speaking to each other for so long, yet he still did it.

"Listen, I have something important I have to tell you." Blain said, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Seth, I l..." He started, but stopped as we both gasped.

An immense pain radiated from my head and I could tell Blain was feeling the same as he grabbed the sides of his head and fell backwards, writhing in pain.

I balled my fists inn my hair and fell forwards, curling into a little ball.

"They're here, you're out of time." The same voice as before whispered in my head, sounding very far away.

The pain continued for what felt like an eternity before I saw Blain start faiding away and I gasped again, my eyes flying open.

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