Chapter 30

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I woke up to the sound of soft snoring all around me. I am surrounded by warmth that makes me want to drift back to sleep. I snuggle into my warm pillow when it suddenly shifts. My eyes snap open to reveal a well defined chest. My eyes slowly rake up the body in front of me until they settle on Jass's face. I smile slightly and move my body closer to his only for an arm to tighten around my waist and pull me back against another broad chest. I look over my shoulder and see Blaine, sleeping peacefully.

The memory of the mornings events come back to me and I poke my thigh, seeing as it is the only part I can reach in my current position, hoping to feel something but I don't. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I bring my hand back up to curl under my head. They start trailing down my cheeks silently as I bite my lower lip to hold in my sobs.

Then the words of the doctor ring in my head and I take a deep breath. I wipe away my tears trying to convince myself that my legs would come back to normal. I mean, he was a doctor so he must know what he was talking about right? I could only hope that it would be sooner rather then later.

I felt Jass start to move around beside me a short while before his eyes blinked open. He frowned in confusion as he saw Blaine's face above my head before his eyes trailed down to me and the crease in his forehead smoothed out, a smile breaking on his face.

"Good morning baby, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm good, thanks. How about you?" I returned his question, cursing myself mentally at the slight tremor in my voice from crying.

"Baby, what's wrong? Were you crying?" He asked gently, stroking his thumb over my cheek and ignoring my question.

"It's n-nothing." I said.

"You can tell me baby, there's obviously something bothering you." He told me.

"It's just that... I want to be able t-to walk a-again someday..." I whispered.

"Oh baby, don't worry about it. you heard the doctor, he said it was only temporary. You'll get your legs back before you know it." He tried reassuring me.

"But what if he was wrong? What if I never get to walk or run again?" I sobbed, causing Blaine to stir from his sleep.

"Well figure something out if it comes to that, for now you just gotta focus on getting better ok?" Jass said, passing his fingers through my hair slowly.

"Ok..." I trailed off, whipping the tears off my face.

Blaine looked down at my red tear stained face before glancing at Jass but he said nothing, probably guessing that I didn't want to talk about what just happened again. I reached back and took his hand in mine and brought it around my waist, silently asking him to cuddle me. He did so without question and we just lay there silently for a long time until a nurse walked in.

"Oh my, am I interrupting something?" She asked, blushing slightly.

"No, not at all. What going on?" Jass spoke up.

"Um, I just came to see how you all were doing. And I also wanted to say thank you for saving us from that man with the gun, on behalf of all the staff members that were present that day. Who knows what that man could have done if you hadn't stopped him." She said, looking straight at Blaine.

"It was nothing really, I would do anything to protect those I love." Blaine answered but he wasn't looking at the nurse, his eyes were glued on mine.

I blushed slightly and smiled at him. He winked back at me with a huge grin, causing me to hide my face in Jass's face.

"Ok well, I won't bother you much longer. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask." She said, smiling and walking out the door.

Once I was sure she was gone, I pulled my face away from the chest it was buried in and wiggled my body around until I was facing Blaine. I put my hands around his chest and hugged him tight.

"I should have said this sooner and I'm sorry I didn't, but thank you for saving me." I said.

"It's ok baby. There's no need to thank me, I'm just glad I was able to stop him and that your ok." He answered.

"I don't know how to thank you. Just saying it seems like too little, the same goes for you Jass. Thank you for saving me from that horrible place." I said, looking at him over my shoulder.

"I can think of something you can do to thank us." Jass answered with a devious smile.

"What?" I asked, suspicious of what his answer would be.

"You could give us a thank you kiss." He whispered.

I looked at him, surprised. He wanted me to give them a thank you kiss?

"Um, ok." I said, before leaning up and in slightly and aiming a kiss for Blaine's cheek but at the last second, Blaine turned his head to the side making me kiss him right on the lips.

"Hey! I want a kiss too! In fact I'm his official boyfriend, I should have been first." Jass pouted.

I blushed hard and pulled away from Blaine, quickly turning around and kissing Jass on the lips.

Just as I was about to pull back, Jass's hand tangled into my hair and he held me in place. A sudden wave of panic washed over as the feeling of Jass's hand in my hair brought back memories of all the times Deamon had done the same, even though Jass was being gentle unlike Deamon had.

I pushed Jass Away so hard that he fell out of the bed with a thud.

"Ow, shit." Jass said from the floor.

Blaine burst out laughing until his eyes met my terror filled ones.

"Seth? It's ok baby, there's no need to be so nervous. Your safe here." He said, reaching out to me but I shoved him away and off the bed.

"Ouch." Blaine complained.

I curled into a ball and covered my head with my hands, my breath rushing out of me in quick pants.

"Seth?" Jass asked, standing up from the ground and reaching out to me.

I curled up even tighter and a strangled sound escaped me. Images flashed through my head from when Deamon was torturing me and dragging me around and my panic kept on rising. I kept telling myself that I was safe with Jass and Blaine and that Deamon was not here anymore but I couldn't get his cruel voice out of my head.

A hand landed on my shoulder and I screamed, causing Blaine to recoil away from me.

"I'm sorry Seth, I won't touch you anymore but you need to breath, please." He said but my eyes kept darting around the room, expecting Deamon to jump out at me even though I knew he was gone.

"Baby look at me." Jass said in a strong voice.

My eyes snapped to him and my breath hitched.

"Breath baby, deep breaths in and out." He commanded.

My eyes focused on him and I slowly started calming down. My breathing slowed down slightly as the fog in my mind started to clear and it seemed to register that I was with Blaine and Jass and Deamon was not here.

"Good baby, don't stop." Jass said.

Once my breathing was back to normal, I noticed the three nurses standing in the doorway, looking worried. I blushed and hid my face. I heard the door close a few moments later before the bed dipped on both sides of me.

I was surrounded by warmth once again and I finally completely relaxed.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I panicked like that." I said.

"It's ok Seth, there's no need to apologize. This kind of thing is to be expected after what you have been through." Blaine said and Jass just nodded.

"Take a nap baby. I'll go get some food for you when you wake up." Jass said.

I nodded and closed my eyes, surprisingly sleepy even though I had just woken up from sleeping for the night. I guess these panic attacks really take it out of me and I was out like a light in no time.

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