Chapter 24

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Explicit scene ahead.


Sean's pov

"Deamon! You can't!" I shouted as Deamon started passing for the hundredth time in the last five days.

"Why the fuck not Sean? He ruined everything!" He yelled back at me.

"He's in the hospital, there's no way you can get to him without getting caught D." I said.

Deamon shagged and sat on the couch beside me.

"Why can't you just love me? Why do you need him too?" He asked again.

"How manny times do I have to tell you that I love both of you, that's why I need him just as much as I need you." I explained.

"But why do you refuse to have sex with me if you love me?" He questioned.

"Because I want the first time to be special and Seth needs to be here for that." I answered.

"No he doesn't. Nothing with him would be special. He is plain and boring." He said.

"Don't fucking say that! I hate it when you bad mouth him like that!" I exclaimed.

"He's not here, he won't know." He countered.

"No but I will and I can't keep a secret from him, not again." I whispered.

"What if Seth were to... you know, die. What then." He asked.

"Well then he would be gone and it would be just me and you." I said.

An evil smile appeared on his lips and I gasped.

"No! Don't you dare Jack! If you kill him I will never talk to you again!" I yelled.

He glared at me, his jaw clenched.

"What did I fucking say about calling me that? You know despise that name." He growled out.

"I'm sorry but you pissed me off." I said.

"Fine, just don't do it again." He said.

There was a moment of silence before Deamon spoke again.

"So you expect me to just wait like a good little boy while you run after some random whore that hates you?" He asked.

"He's not some random whore!" I screamed but he ignored me and continued.

"I can't do that Sean! I can't just sit by and watch you kill yourself trying to get the attention of someone that wouldn't even give you the time of day." He said.

"He doesn't hate me, he's my best friend." I said, tears welling in my eyes.

"Maybe before he was but not anymore." He insisted.

"No! He's still is!" I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks.

"We kidnapped him Sean. We shot the man he loves multiple times. He's not gonna forgive that." Deamon said.

"Yes he will. When he realises how much I love him and how much he loves me and not that Jass guy, he will. He just needs time." I insisted.

Deamon didn't say anything for a few minutes before a grim look appeared on his face. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room. He placed me down under the covers gently and got in beside me, wrapping and arm around my waist and pulling me against his chest.

I sobbed into his shirt until I had cried all the tears I had in my body. He continued to hold me even once I had calmed down and I slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.

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