Chapter 23

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I woke up surprisingly still in Seth's room and in the same position I was in when I fell asleep. I looked up slightly and saw that Blain had fallen asleep. I still had a firm grip on Seth's hand, not wanting to let him go even in my sleep. My eyes drifted to his face and tears welled up in my eyes. His face was still painfully swollen with almost black bruises covering most of it.

I sobbed loudly, unable to hold it in and Blain jumped awake. I pulled away from him and covered my mouth with a trembling hand as I fought to regain my composure at least slightly, my other hand still clutching Seth's limp one.

"He'll be ok Jass, you'll see, Seth's a tough kid, he's always been." He said, trying to reassure me.

"What? How do you know that?" I asked.

"I used to know him when we were younger. We used to go to the same high school." He explained.

"Wait, so how old are you if you went to school together?" I question.

"I'm 25 actually." He told me.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Hadn't seen him in a few years and after you recovered from your near death experience and you said you were looking for someone named Seth... I wanted to believe it was the same Seth I used to know but, I couldn't bring myself to get my hopes up only to have them shattered if it wasn't so I pretended I didn't know him..." He explained but I cut him off.

"Get your hopes up? Your hopes for what? Being friends again?" I asked, feeling very possessive of MY Seth suddenly.

"... No, I was in love with him back then but couldn't muster the courage to make the move. When I finished high school two years before him it broke my heart. I was never able to move on. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't stop thinking of him. So when you said you were looking for him, I didn't want to have my heart broken again that way if it was not him." He said.

"Well then, if you loved him so much, why didn't you help me find him?" I asked getting mad.

"I did try! As soon as you told me what happened I hired five private detectives to try and locate him. I help myself, a small art of me hoped it was the same guy so I did everything I could to help find him. I hired the detectives, I posted flyers everywhere, I checked in with the cops everyday and I got some of my friends to organize search parties in the woods. But I also had to take care of you since you were under my custody for your recovery so I couldn't leave the house much, well that is, until that ass hole broke in to your house and took you too. Then I put all my time into finding you two but I came up empty no matter what I tried. Then you popped up in the hospital." He said, rushing to get everything out as fast as possible.

"You did?" I asked incredulously.

"Hell yeah I did. Nearly went broke doing it too." He answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry I accused you then. Thank you for tying to help me save MY boyfriend." I said, grateful but also hopping to get the message across.

"Yeah... I just hope it wasn't too late." He stated.

"Yeah me too." I answered.

"So, tell me, how did Deamon manage to get me if you were watching over me?" I asked.

"Oh, um, I was watching tv and he just literally kicked the front door in. When I tried to stop him we fought and he was just stronger then me and managed to knock me out. When I came too you were already gone. I called the cops but they could find any traces of you two." He explained.

I just nodded my head, my eyes drifting back to Seth. I really hoped he would wake up soon.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few hours until Blain broke it.

"You want some lunch? There's a cafeteria on the first floor, the foods not the best but at least we can eat something." He asked.

"No, I'm good." I said, not feeling hungry.

"Dude, come on. You just woke up from a three day medically induced coma and you haven't eaten since. You have to eat if you want to recover." He tried to convince me.

"No thanks." I said again.

"What would Seth say if he woke up and found that you didn't take care of yourself while he was out?" He asked.

It was a low blow but I knew that he just wanted to help me, plus he was right, Seth would be furious. Even though I hadn't known him for that long I knew that he would be.

"Alright, fine. But let's make it quick." I finally caved to his request.

"Awesome, let's go!" He exclaimed before wheeling me out of Seth's room and down to the cafeteria.

I took a ham sandwich while Blain took a chicken noodle soup. We ate quickly and started making our way up to the third floor were Seth's room was.

As soon as the doors to the elevator opened, a bad feeling crawled over me. There was an alarm going off and a voice saying code blue over the speakers in the hall. Doctors were rushing towards the end of the hall, towards were Seth's room was.

Blain ran out of the elevator, forgetting me completely. I cursed under my breath and forced myself to stand up.

My leg with the stab wound in it gave out under my weight and I almost collapsed. I leaned on the elevator railing just as the doors started to close. I thrust my hand out and managed to stop them just in time. I sat back down in the wheelchair and pushed on the wheels to move forward. I wheeled down the hall as fast as I could and finally arrived to Seth's room.

Blain was standing right outside the door, staring in looking shocked and panicked. My heart dropped and I looked in myself. There were doctors surrounding the bed frantically going about there jobs. One doctor was straddling Seth, performing CPR as the machine beside the bed whined continuously, showing off a single flat line.

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