Chapter 8

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I slowly woke up to a beeping sound in my ears. It was really annoying. I reached out towards the source of the sound only to hit a solid warm object that felt oddly like someone's chest. Why would someone be in my room? Why didn't they just turn off my alarm clock when I was clearly trying to do just that? They could help me out a little here.

I slowly became aware of a dull throbbing in my right shoulder as I forced my eyes open to glare at the person whom my hand was still on. I was laying in a king size bed with multiple fluffy white pillows and dark red blankets draped over my body. I had multiple wires and tubes connected to my arms one of which was connected to a heart monitor. The walls were a pristine white and two rows of small round lights in the ceiling. There was two large glass windows in the wall to my right that led to a balcony with a breathtaking view on the ocean. A big wooden wardrobe was standing to the left of the balcony doors. The door that led into the room was slightly open in front of the bed so that I could see part of a long hallway. A closet was located right next to a large mahogany desk pushed against the left wall of the room. I blinked slowly as my eyes met Deamon's worried eyes as he stood to the left of the bed.

"Your awake." He said, sounding relieved.

"Yeah...." I answered as all the memories from the club to getting shot came rushing back to me and I quickly pulled my hand away from him and glared at him. He had called MY Sean baby!

"What's wrong? Is your shoulder hurting?" Deamon asked.

"I can go get you some pain meds if you want?" He added when I just stared at him in silence.

"No. Get out." I finally managed passed clenched teeth.

"What?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"I said, GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled.

Deamon looked at me surprised for a few seconds before he turned to leave. My hands clenched into fists at my sides as I lay in the bed, glaring at the ceiling. I could feel tear trying to escape my eyes but I blinked them back as pain lacerated my heart. Why had he cheated on me? Did he even ever like me or was this just some kind of sick twisted game he and Deamon were playing? We had barely been together for a few days and he was already cheating on me. But he had kissed me in front of Deamon more then once and he didn't seem to care. What the hell was going on?

The rage mounted in me as I ripped all the wires connecting me to the machins beside my bed in on sift motion, causing the beeping sound to become a continued tone.

The bedroom door flew open and Sean ran in, looking panicked. I glared at him before turning my head so that I could no longer see the man that shredded my heart.

"Shit Seth, you scared me! I thought you were dead. Why did you take them off?" He asked.

"Wouldn't you like that." I said, ignoring his question.

"What? Seth baby, what are you talking about? You know I love you, I would never wish for you to die!" Sean said, reaching a hand out to touch me.

"NO YOU FUCKING DON'T! Your cheating on me with Deamon! How could you?" I said, slapping his hand away, my voice getting smaller and smaller as I spoke.

"I'm not cheating on you baby!" Sean insisted.

"Stop calling me baby! I heard him calling you that in the car before I passed out!" I shouted, the tears I had been trying so hard to hold back finally breaking free and falling down my cheeks.

"Shit." He breathed out, raking a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, shit you fucking ass hole!" I sheathed.

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