Chapter 21

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Jass's pov

I peeled my eyes open, pain radiating through the side of my head. I was tied to the chair again but this time, I had an additional rope tied around my chest and the back of the chair.

I looked around me and found that I was back in the same room as before. I found Seth tied spread eagle on the bed.

"Seth?" I asked but didn't get an answer.

"Seth, baby, say something please?" I tried again after a few minutes of silence but still got nothing.

"Seth! Wake up! Please!" I said panicking.

Why wasn't he waking up? What if something was seriously wrong with him? I had to get him out of here and to a hospital!

I started pulling at my wrists restraints frantically, the rope digging into my wrists until they bled but I still didn't stop.

The rope on my left started loosening a little, but I froze when I heard the door opening behind me. I stopped pulling on the ropes, hopping that he would not notice that one was getting loose.

"Your awake! Great!" He said, walking over to the bed.

He placed one knee on the bed beside Seth, leaning over him and slapping him in the face a few times without any result.

"Hmm, he's not waking up. Maybe he's dead. Oh well, who cares." He said.

"I fucking do you ass hole!" I shouted.

"Right, you. Your as much a part of this problem as he is. If you hadn't stolen Seth away from Sean none of this would have happened. Guess I'm just gonna have to punish you instead of him now." He said, walking towards me but I couldn't take my eyes off of Seth limp body.

He pulled out the knife he had used earlier and stabbed it though my other hand, pulling it back out right after.

"I am gonna make you fucking beg for me to kill you." He threatened.

"Never, I won't give you the satisfaction." I sheathed, finally looking away from Sean.

"A challenge, I like it." He said, dragging his knife along my cheek.

He brought the knife down to my chest and cut my shirt off of me followed by my pants, leaving me in nothing but my boxers.

"I can't wait to hear you scream." He whispered.

"Not in this life time you won't." I answered.

"Well see about that." He said, cutting me on my chest from top to bottom, blood running down my body.

He slashed the knife down into my skin all over my arms, chest and stomach, some cuts being deeper then others, letting more blood flow down my body and pool on the ground beneath me. I did not make a single sound throughout the hole ordeal, unwilling to give him the satisfaction.

"I will get you to scream, if not today, then tomorrow or the day after that, but I will win." He sheathed before stabbing my in the leg and yanking the knife back out again.

He stalked out of the room, not bothering to close it behind himself.

As soon as his footsteps faded away, I resumed my pulling at the ropes, ignoring the blood flowing out of me. I had to save Seth.

A few minutes later, the rope was finally loose enough for me to slip my hand out. I quickly untied my other hand and managed to slip the rope around my chest off over my head. I untied my feet and ran to Seth's side.

I placed my hand under his nose and was relieved to find that he was still breathing. I shook him a few times softly while calling his name but he didn't react in the slightest.

I untied him from the bed and picked him up bridal style. I didn't waste any time in sneaking out of the house and to the car again. They had not locked the doors again so I was able to get Seth in without starting the alarm system. I buckled him in and ran to the drivers side.

I pulled the plastic under the dash on the driver side off and grabbed the wires under it, hot wirering the car as fast as I could. I looked up at the house every few seconds to make sure that neither Deamon or Sean got the jump on me again.

I finally managed to get the car started and waisted no time in backing out of the driveway and speeding off down the road. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Deamon run out into the street behind me and he fired off a few shots at us. I turned a corner quickly to get out of his line of sight and looked over at Sean and he didn't seem to have been shot.

Ten minutes later, I was driving like a maniac towards the hospital followed by five police cars with their sirens blaring. I had burned a red light and a single police car came after me but I refused to stop, every second counted in saving Seth. The first car was quickly joined by four more cars and now, I was part of a high speed chase.

I made another sharp turn and the hospital finally came into view down the road. I was so close, there was no stopping me now.

I turned into the hospital's parking lot and stopped the car right at the doors, not bothering to shut off the motor. I jumped out of the car just as the police cars entered the parking lot.

I ran to the passenger side of the car and got Seth out, carrying him in as fast as I could.

"Help! Please, someone help him!" I screamed as soon as I passed the door.

Two nurses quickly ran over to me and called for a stretcher. They told me to place Seth on it and I gave him a kiss on the forehead before letting them take him away.

The police entered behind me, shouting at me to put my hands up and get on my knees. I did as they ordered but my vision darkened. Now that Seth was in good hands, I let the exhaustion and weakness from blood loss flow over me and I crumpled to the floor, passing out.

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