Chapter 4

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We each took out the masks and gloves from our bags and put them on.

"Ok so there are no cameras outside the building but plenty inside. Get ready Seth, you're the one taking them out." Daemon said.

"What? How?" I asked.

"Get the laser out of your bag. When we get near the building I will tell you were the cameras are located and all you'll have to do its point the laser at there lenses until the light on the laser turns green and the one on the camera turns off." He explained.

"Ok but won't they see me pointing that thing at the camera?" I asked, uncertain as I pulled out the l laser.

"No. You see, the screen on the laser will show you what you are pointing the laser at. So you can stay hidden behind a wall or something while you do it, as long as you can still see the screen." He told me.

"Ok then I guess." I said.

"Great! Let's get this show in the road!" Sean said excitedly.

Daemon turned sideways and passed through the hedges, between two of the trunks, quickly followed by Sean and I.

Once in the other side, we made a dash for the front door, staying low and close to the building. When we finally reached it, Daemon instructed me to get in front of him so that I had access to one of the windows in the doors.

"There's one camera in the far corner to your right and two behind the check in desk. Be careful not to shine the laser on the guy sleeping behind the counter, we can't wake him up out we are screwed." Daemon said.

I reached out my hand so that the laser was in front of the door and turned it in, pointing it at the floor to avoid attracting attention. I slowly started raising the laser, stirring at the screen to see what I was doing. I saw a chair come into view, then a table before finally finding the far wall. I directed the laser towards the upper right side and followed the top of the wall until I finally found the camera.

I flashed the laser in it like Daemon had told me to do until the red light on the laser turned green and the screen showed that the camera's light was off.

I turned the laser to my left and followed the ceiling until I found the two other cameras and did the same to even as the previous one.

"I got the three cameras." I told the two guys.

"Good it should be clear until we get to the stairs." Daemon said.

I silently pushed open the doors and made my way in, being careful not to make a single sound by fear of waking up the man at the desk. Daemon and Sean mimicked my movements until we reached the door to the stairs.

Daemon placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me back a little before stepping in front of me. He pulled a small retractable mirror that he used to check for cameras in the stairwell.

He made a thumbs up at us to let us know that the coast was clear. We passed through the door and started up the stairs, stopping at every corner to check and disable cameras.

After walking up fourteen flights of stairs and turning seven cameras of with the laser, we finally reached the seventh floor were the old man we were robbing lived.

Daemon used his mirror again to check for anyone in the hall before we made out move towards the door to the old man's apartment. Deamon made quick work of unlocking the door and letting us in and closing the door behind us.

Sean and I looked around for a few minutes, letting what we were about to do sink in while Deamon went straight to work tearing the place apart.

"You guys gonna stand there all day or are you gonna start grabbing some stuff?" Deamon urged us.

That seemed to snap Sean out of his daze as he started grabbing everything that looked valuable that he could find. I took a deep breath before I followed his lead. after a few minutes of ransacking the place, I heard Deamon shout that he had found something. I glanced over at Sean as he rushed back to the living room where Deamon was.

"Seth! Get your ass in here!" Sean shouted when he saw that I was not following him.

I joined the two guys in the room and saw that Deamon had found a safe behind a painting. How cliché.

"Give me the torch you have in your bag." Deamon demanded.

It took me a while to get it disentangled from all the jewelry that I had previously showed into the bag but I managed to get the torch out and handed it to him.

He stated cutting around the lock on the outside of the safe until it fell of and the safe opened. it was apparently a cheap safe.

"Good it worked of we would have been screwed and all this would have been for nothing." Deamon said.

"Seriously!? You took a torch to the safe and you didn't even know if it would work!?" I exclaimed.

Deamon made an irritated noise in the back of his throat before pulling the safe door open fully, revealing wads and wads of cash. there must have been a million dollars in there!

"Ha! Jackpot! Old people always keep there money in their house! Something about not trusting banks." Sean said.

We started stuffing the money into our bags until the safe was completely empty.

"Alright guys, time to go." Deamon said.

Sean and I both nodded and followed him to the door. He cracked it open a little in order to peek into the hallway to see if the coast was still clear. He gave us the thumbs up and we exited the apartment, walking back down the hall were the stairs and one elevator were.

"You two take the elevator I will take the stairs, there will be less chances of us all getting caught. you two will reach the lobby first, stay silent and get back to the truck we will meet there." Deamon explained before starting down the stairs.

Sean pressed the elevator call button and the doors opened immediately. We stepped in I pressed the button for the lobby. I noticed Sean shifting from foot to foot looking at the ground nervously as the elevator started moving.

"You ok?" I asked him.

"Mmhmm." He hummed but didn't stop squirming.

"Sean, what's going on?" I insisted.

His eyes darted up to meat mine before he took a step forward, grabbing my face with both his hands. His lips landed on mine as my back hit the elevator doors, keeping me from going anywhere. I stood there, surprised as Sean kissed me. At first, he didn't do anything but when he saw that I was not pushing him away he started moving his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and gave in to the feelings I had been hiding from him for the longest time and kissed him back, placing my hands on his hips as his arms wrapped around my neck, our bodies pressed together. Our tongues battled for dominance until the doors to the elevator suddenly opened, sending us tumbling to the ground outside, Sean landing on top of me. I glanced towards the lobby to make sure that no one had seen us.

"We'll finish this later." I told him with a smirk before giving him one last quick kiss on the lips and letting go of him so that he could get back up.

We quickly grabbed the bags that had been discarded on the way down and silently made our way across the lobby were the lobbyist was still sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of what had just transpired. As soon as we were out of the building, I let out a shag and felt Sean take my hand in his. I gave him a quick smile and we started running towards the side of the building. Sean was the first to crawl under the hedges to the other side, and just as I started crawling under I saw Deamon exit the building and make his way towards us.

Sean and I got in the car as Deamon started crawling through the hedges, joining us in the car quickly after. He turned on the engine and back out of the ally before turning the truck around and speeding off down the road.

We did it! We actually did it! And... OMG! what the hell happened with Sean? Did he really have the same feelings for me as I did for him but was just too much of a coward to make the first move? I had the feeling my life had just taken a completely new direction.

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