Chapter 25

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Blain's pov

I can't stand seeing him like this. It's killing me inside. Seeing his small fragile frame in a whit hospital bed, lying there motionless and deathly pail, it just rips my heart out every time my eyes land on him.

I never should have left town. I should have stayed here and waited for him to turn eighteen and be a legal adult, then I could have made him mine and kept him safe from all this. I should have known. He was always too good for the people here and now look what happened. They destroyed him. There's only this Jass guy who seems ok. This was all my fault.

I stood in the doorway to Seth's room, looking on as the doctors struggled to bring him back to life. It had already been a good five minutes and I was losing hope. I was gonna lose the only personne I had loved since my parents and sister died two years ago in a plane crash on their way back from vacation.

I saw Jass arrive in his wheelchair looking just as horrified as me as he stared into the room. Time seemed to stand still as the doctors shocked Seth to try and get his heart pumping again, his small body jerking off the bed every time. I held my breath, praying to a god I had never believed in to bring Seth back.

"One last time." One of the doctors said before they shocked Seth again.

Tears started streaming down my face when the heart monitoring machine started beeping again. I ran into the room, pushing my way threw the doctors and nurses gathered around him until I reached the bed, followed closely by Jass. I grabbed Seth's hand in mine and brought it to my lips. I shagged in relief and kissed his fingers. He came back! Now all there was left was for him to wake up.

I glanced up quickly and saw Jass on the other side of the bed holding Seth's right hand and sobbing as he cradled it to his cheek.

The doctors left, giving us some much needed privacy.

Our crying and sobbing finally subsided after a good hour, leaving us exhausted as we sat across from each other still holding on to one of Seth's hands each.

"You really do love him don't you?" Jass asked suddenly.

"Yeah, I do." I answered softly, scared that he would ask me to leave.

"Well, I guess Seth will have a decision to make when... if, he wakes up." He sais and I look up at him curiously.

I was not expecting him to say that, but I guess it was only fair to give Seth the choice of who he wants to be with.

"But I won't let him go without a fight either." He added.

"Me neither." I said.

"I know." He whispered, looking up at Seth's still sleeping face.

Well, guess neither of us was going anywhere any time soon, might as well get to know each other.

"So, how did you come to know Seth?" I asked Jass.

"Those two fucking bastards whose name I shall not say, convinced him to rob some old man and he was shot while they were escaping. I have some medical training since my brother is a doctor and he insisted on teaching me when we were younger in case something happened and he wasn't there to help patch up me or my other brother. I used to work with one of those fuckers before he went illegal and he knew that I had the training so they brought him to me to patch him up and when Seth woke up, he had a fight with them and we just hit it off from there." He explained, me nodding my head as he spoke.

"How about you? How did you meat Seth?" He asked me.

"It was Seth's first year of high school and he got lost on his way to his first class. I happened to be passing by and he asked me for directions. He was so cute and adorable that I couldn't help but fall for him. I told him I would tell him where to go if he had lunch with me everyday for the next week. He accepted and I fell for him a little more with each day that passed." I told him, smiling at the good memories.

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