Chapter 9

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"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE TOLD YOU WE BROKE UP?" I could hear Sean yelling but it sounded far and muffled.

"I spoke to him about your fight and told him I could give you guys some advice and he said you weren't his boyfriend anymore, so as far as i'm concerned he's fair game." Jass replied as I tried to open my heavy eyelids only for them to stay glued together.

"YOU FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM HIM! YOU HEAR ME? If you so much as touch a single hair on his head I swear I'll..." Sean shouted before trailing off.

"You'll what?" Jass asked as I finally managed to pry my eyes open.

"Seth! Your awake! How are you feeling?" Sean asked, running to my side followed by Deamon and Jass.

I turned my face away from them and ignored them. Sean took my hand in his but I jerked it away, making him grimace.

"Seth please, let us explain." Deamon said.

"What is there to explain? You and Sean are together and Sean was too much of a coward to tell me, end of story. Now go away." I said.

"Come on Sean, he obviously doesn't want to talk to us. Were perfectly fine without him anyway. We don't need him." Deamon said, as he pulled Sean to his feet and guided him out the door.

I felt my heart shatter a little more in my chest at his words, although I didn't know why they hurt so much. A single tear escaped my eye and trailed down my cheek until a big, soft and warm thumb brushed it away. I looked back to were Sean had been crouching before only to find Jass there with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry it ended up this way. Maybe you just weren't ment to be." He said.

"Yeah, I guess." I whispered.

"You deserve better then them anyway." He said with a small smile.

I returned his smile as best as I could but it just felt fake.

Jass's hand went to cup my right cheek and he stroked his thumb over my cheek bone softly.

"Your adorable, you know that?" He asked.

I blushed hard at that and turned away, trying to hide my burning face.

"Aw, your so cute when you blush." He said.

He gently turned my face back towards him and leaned down slowly before capturing my lips in a kiss. I froze in shock as his tongue gently parted my lips and slid into my mouth. I snapped out of my dazed state and made a sound of protest in the back of my throat while pushing at his chest. He pulled away and looked at me, a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He apologised.

"No it's just... I don't think I'm ready to jump right back into a relationship just yet." I explained.

"Oh, ok too soon, I get it. But for you I'm willing to wait baby." He said, flashing me a charming grin.

I blushed all over again and hid my face under the blankets, as Jass chuckled at my reaction.

"God your so cute. I could watch you blush all day and never get tired of it." He said, causing my blush to intensity.

"You must be hungry after sleeping for six hours straight, I'll go get you something to eat. I'll be right back." He told me.

I heard him get up before his footsteps left down the hall. I slowly peaked out of under the covers and looked around at the now empty room. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking of what had just happened. Did I like Jass? I guess I did find him sexy and attractive, and now that I had broken up with Sean and Deamon had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me anymore, I was free to date whom ever I wanted and Jass seamed like a pretty good choice. He was kind and gentle and even though I hadn't known him for long at all he had not done anything to hurt me, in fact he was the one taking care of me. I just wasn't ready to start another relationship so soon after breaking up with Sean. Plus, since Jass said he was willing to wait, it gave me a chance to get to know him better before starting anything.

I lay in bed fixating on the ceiling until Jass finally came back with a silver tray in his hands. He walked over to the bed as I sat up in order to be able to eat. He set the tray in my lap, allowing me to see that it held a bowl of chicken noodle soop with a spoon already in the bowl, a slice of pizza and a glass of cold water.

"Hey, I thought you might like to know that Deamon and Sean are gone back to there hotel so they won't come and bother you anymore today." Jass said.

"Ok, thanks." I said relieved that I wouldn't have to face them again for a while.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked when Jass pulled the desk chair over to the side of the bed and sat down, watching me expectantly.

"No, I ate while you were sleeping actually. I'm good." He answered with a smile.

"Oh, ok." I said, as I picked up the soup and brought the spoon to my lips.

I moaned at how good the soup tasted, warming it's way down my throat and into my stomach.

"You like it?" Jass asked hopefully.

"I love it. Did you make it?" I questioned.

"Yes I did. And I'm glad you like it, it's an old family recipe." He said, grinning from ear to ear.

Once I had finished the soup, I moved on to the pizza which turned out to also be one of Jass's old family recipes. He told me how he had always loved to cook since he was a kid and he would help his mom in the kitchen when ever he could. He also told me that he owned a chain of restaurants that could be found all around the world and promised to take me there someday.

We continued talking about our lives until late into the night when I was too tired to continue and decided to go to bed. He wished me a good night and gave me a pick peck on the forehead before leaving the room. I fell into a dreamless peaceful slumber that I never wanted to wake up from.

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