Chapter 28

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Seth's pov

An awkward silence settled into the room as Blaine's words hung heavy in the air. I glanced at Jass who was staring at me. My eyes drifted back to Blaine and he had a nervous look on his face.

"W-What?" I whispered, hoping that I had misheard him.

"I love you." Blaine repeated.

"B-But I'm already with Jass." I said.

"I know..." He whispered, looking down at his lap.

"Which is why we decided to give you the choice. We want you to chose who you want to be with..." Jass started but as soon as those words left his mouth, my heart rate quickened and blood rushed through my veins, drowning out the sound of Jass's voice as my ears started to buzz.

My breathing accelerated and came out in short pants as my eyes went wide. How was I supposed to choose between them? I had had a crush on Blaine ever since he started hanging out with me at school, as for Jass, I loved him just as much since we met. How was I going to choose between these two marvelous men?

I was panicking, my breathing becoming erratic and my heart pounding in my ears. I placed a hand to my chest as it tightened, restricting my breathing. My eyes started to water as I looked back up from were I had been staring at my bedsheets and looked at both men. I could see them looking at me, concern written all over their faces but I could not hear what they were saying.

Blaine suddenly flung the blankets off of his body and ripped the wires connected to him off, wincing in pain as he forced himself out of his bed and came to my side. Jass stood from his wheelchair and wrapped me in his arms as Blaine grabbed my hands to keep them from clawing at my chest.

Jass pulled me against him a little more, placing my head against his shoulder gently and pouring pressing kisses to the side of my head. I could see Blaine mouthing the word breath to me as he pressed my hands to his chest and took slow exaggerated breaths, trying to help slow my breathing. I tried to imitate him but no matter what I did, nothing was working. I started seeing black dots dancing across my vision, slowly getting bigger and bigger.

Blaine started shouting something over his shoulder without stopping his slow breathing, still holding my palms against him. Just as I was about to pass out, I saw a nurse run into the room, her eyes widening slightly as she looked at the scene playing out in front of her and then, I was out like a light.

At first, everything was dark just like last time, until a scene appeared in front of me.

I was walking through the halls of my new high school, on my way to my english class which happened to be my first class of the day.

I turned a corner and was suddenly pulled into the boys bathroom by two strong arms, one going around my waist and the other covering my mouth.

The door was shut behind me and I was shoved to the ground. I looked up and saw the guys who had taken on the task of tormenting me since I got here two weeks ago, Adam, Michael and Jason.

"Looks like we've caught ourselves a faggot guys." Adam, the leader of the trio, sais.

This wasn't the first time this happened and i knew what was coming. I crawled back into the corner of the bathroom and brace for the pain that is yet to come. I know begging them not to do it is useless, I had already tried that multiple times, all it does is encourage them to hit me harder.

Jason stalked up to me and grabbed a hand full of my hair before yanking me to my feet. He quickly pulls my arms behind my back and hooks his arms around my shoulder, keeping me pressed to his body and insuring that I don't try to get away.

Adam steps up to us first and starts punching me in the stomach over and over again.

"Your fucking discussing you stupid faggot!" He shouted, his punches getting harder and harder, almost succeeding in making me regret my decision to be openly gay at my new school.

By the time he finished hitting me, my knees had buckled and Jason was supporting all my weight. I could taste the metalic flavor of blood in my mouth like I always did when they ganged up on me.

Michael came forwards next and landed three solid kicks to my abdomen and one to my left knee, resulting in a loud cracking sound that ecoed through the room. I screamed in pain but was cut off by Adam grabbing my jaw hard and forcing it shut.

"Shut the fuck up or I'll fucking..." He started but was cut off by the door to the bathroom crashing open.

Adam and Michael whipped around, Adam never letting go od my jaw but moving to the side slightly, alowing me to see who was standing at the door.

I felt like crying as my eyes landed on Blaine's shocked and angry face. He was gonna save me! He was my friend so he would help me, right?

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Blaine shouted.

"Shouldn't you be in class dumbass?" Adam asked, his fingers still diging into my skin.

"Get your filthy hands off him." Blaine answered.

"Or what? What are you gonna do Blaine?" Adam asked.

Blaine suddenly ran at only to be body slamed into the wall by Michael. He hit the ground hard but got right back to his feet. Michael was now standing between Blaine and Adam, making a human shield for Adam who looked on in amusement. Blaine swung his fist and caught Michael in the jaw, making him stumble a few steps sideways beforw launching himself at Blaine again. They fell to the ground, Adam on top of Blaine. Adam was thowing punch after punch to Blaine's face and torso. I tried wiggling out of Jason's and Adam's grips but they were holding me too hard and the pain in my knee was preventing me from fighting as hard as I could.

Blaine finally managed to get a punch in to the aide of Michael's head which disoriented him just long enough for Blaine to flip them over and knock Michael out with one solid punch. As soon as Michael went limp under Blaine, the two guys holding me suddenly let go and I fell to the floor, unable to hold myself up. My head hit the wall on my way down and I saw stars, the only thing keeping me awake was the adrenaline pumping through my veins of my only friend being in danger beacouse of me.

Blaine didn't have the time to recover before Adam and Jason were on him. Jason tackled him to thw ground, straddling him and punching him repeatedly as Adam held his arms down above his head so that he couldn't protect himself or fight back.

A little while later, Blaine stopped trying to get his hands free of Adam's grip and stopped moving. Jason atopped punching him as Adam released his arms. Adam and Jason got back to their feet and Blaine groaned, puling his arms down to his chest but as soon as the two guys standing above him saw him move they started kicking him repeatedly. This time, they only stopped once they were absolutely sure that Blaine would not get back up for a while.

They quickly picked up Michael that was just starting to wake up and dragged him out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with an unconscious and bleeding Blaine. I crawled over to him and moved the hair that was stuck to his forehead with sweat and blood out of his face.

"B-Blaine?" I asked in a shaky voice, but got no answer.

I was panicking as I shook him, trying desperately to wake him up. I couldn't let my only friend die trying to save me from a gang of no good ass holes.

I searched his poclets frantically for him phone, not waisting another second in calling 911 once I found it. I sat there beside him, crying and shaking him trying to wake him up, until the ambulance finally arrived. I woke up gasping and shaking in my small hospital bed with Jass and Blaine holding my hands as they slept in chairs on either side of me.

The memory of Blaine coming to my rescue that day had been buried so deep in my brain that I had forgotten about it and I felt so guilty. How could I forget something so important? Blaine had been in a coma for a hole week after that incident and I had stayed by his side the entire time. I felt terrible for forgetting about Blaine so quickly after he left high school. He had been my only friend for the first two years of my high school until I had met Sean and Blake, and I had fallen in love with him in that short amount of time. It had been so painful when Blaine had left and moved to another town that I had completely represed most of my memories of him just short of his actual existence, as well as my feelings for him. But now, I remembered.

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