Chapter 15

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That is all I have been able to see ever since Deamon beat me to a bloody pulp. How late long has it been? I have no idea but it feels like and eternity to me.

At first, I tried calling out for anyone, then I tried walking around and now, I was walking in the same direction as I had been for what felt like days non stop, looking for something, anything, in this dark place.

There was a sudden flash of light behind me and I turned around, hoping to find something here with me.

There was a single white light in the distance but it reminded me of the saying "the light at the end of the tunnel" and I had no desires whatsoever to go near it.

Sadly, staying away from it was not an option as it started getting bigger and bigger as if it was coming at me. I started running in the opposite direction but it felt like I was running on the spot and the light was getting ever larger every time I looked back over my shoulder at it.

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't want to die. What if Jass was still alive? I had to get back to him. I faster and harder but nothing seemed to work. Just as the light was about to catch up to me and swallow me hole, the black ground disappeared from under my feet and I fell.

Everything around me became black again and I was free falling deeper into the dark.

Suddenly, my eyes flew open and I gasped for breath, my back arching off the bed I was on. Sean was straddling my hips with both his hands clasped together in the center of ny chest.

"Wha... what are y-you... doing?" I asked, gasping for air.

"Oh my god! Your alive! I thought I was too late. You stopped breathing and you had no pulse and.... oh, thanks god your ok!" He rambled.

"I... I died?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, just for a few minutes but I didn't know how long you could go without oxygen before it was too late to do anything. I was so fucking scared I'd losted you." He answered, tears streaming down his face.

"Sean.... please, get off." I said once I had recovered from the shock.

"Oh, right. Sorry." He said, getting off me and sitting on the chair beside the bed.

So I had been right. The light I saw truly was my death and I had just barely avoided it. Sean had saved my life... but as grateful as I was that he had, it still didn't forgive what he had done to me, what he had let Deamon do to me as he just stood by and watched.

"Thanks." I said flatly, turning my head away from him.

That single small movement sent a wave of pain through my bruised and battered body.

"Here, take these. They'll take the pain away." He said, handing me a pair of blue pills and a large glass of water.

I pulled myself into a sitting position to be able to drink properly before taking them from him.

"How long have I been out?" I asked before swallowing the pills.

"..... Two weeks...." Sean wispered.

I almost choked on the water I was drinking when he said that and looked at him incredulously.

"Yeah... Deamon really did a number on you. I'm sorry, I should have done something, I should have stopped him, I'm so so sorry Seth! He... he hasn't come back since he did that to you." He said, but I ignored him.

I had been out for two weeks? What happened to Jass? Was he alive? It was too late now for me to help him if he was still in that forest. All that would be left there now would be a rotting, cold corps. Oh god! Please be alive Jass.

I don't know how manny times already I had had that thought. And yet, look at me. I was sitting here doing nothing to get out of here.

I clenched my teeth and braised for the pain that was to come as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up slowly.

"What are you doing?" Sean asked, getting up as well.

"What does it fucking look like? I'm getting out of this shit hole." I answered and knowing that Deamon was not here was gonna make my job that much easier.

"No! You can't! Your injured, you should be resting. Plus, you belong here with me! You can't leave." He protested, getting in front of me.

"Get out of my fucking way Sean. I am leaving and you will not stop me." I grunted out.

"No, your staying right were you are." He said, pushing me hard on the shoulders so that I fell back down to the bed.

I tried to get up again but he pushed me back down. I glared at him, feeling my anger rising. I used it to fuel my determination and somehow mustered up enough strength to bring my knee up between Sean's legs hard. He yelped and cupped himself before falling to the ground.

I shot to my feet and grabbed the nearest thing to me which happened to be a lamp made entirely of glass and smashed it down on his head hard enough to knock him out but not kill him.

I limped as fast as I could out of the bedroom door and into the living room. Then I realized that I was only wearing a pair of tight black boxers and cursed. I looked around quickly but found nothing to cover myself with. I rushed over to the kitchen table and grabbed a chair, dragging it back to the door I had just come out of and used it to jam under the door knob in an attempt to slow Sean down if he woke up before I managed to leave.

I wobbled over to the second bedroom in the house and started opening all the drawers. The first few were empty but I finally found a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I quickly pulled them on and found that they were a little big on me. I guess it was normal since I had lost some weight while I had been here. As if on que, my stomach made a loud gurgling noise, letting me know that I was starving, but fuck it I didn't have time to eat.

I quickly made my way out of the room and took note of how quiet the cabin was. I guess Sean had not woken up yet. Good, I planned to be far away from here by the time he does.

I was at the door in two seconds flat and yanked it open. My heart jumped in my throat before sinking to my stomach as I came face to face with a gun pointed directly between my eyes and a pissed looking Deamon on the other side.

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