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"i got the food", San said and him and Daniel were gonna drop off haru with her grandma. "You got into a car accident in America. I got the call like a day after u left here", joonkye told me. "Ok so you guys just transported me back here", i asked. "Well you were in America for 3 and a half days before we did", he said and i slowly nodded. "Ok how the did you get a guy in our squad that fast"i asked and DongQ looked at the doctor. "its possible she has amnesia", he said and he ask"for just me". I looked at him then back at joonkye. "Where do you live", i asked him. "He lives with me", joonkye answered. "Did he move in the second i left", i asked. "No ive been in his house since you left for America the first time", DongQ said and i looked at him. "How do you know so much about me. I don't even know you", i said and his eyes went from hurt to afraid in a matter of seconds. I seen a single tear roll down his face i felt bad i didn't know him when im suppose to know him. "Can i get back into rapping", i asked looking at the 4 still here. Everyone looked at me with widened eyes. "NO", JinT said and i looked at them. "Why not", i whined. "Your retired", he told me. "What if i made a surprise return that would be fun", i told them and Daniel and San walked in with food. "OMG thank you. Im so hungry. Oh and what do you guys think about me making a comeback", i asked and the question made Daniel choke on his drink. "No. Why would you ask that", he said handing me my food.

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