The Call

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I was sitting in the office. When i got a call on my cellphone. I looked and the number was from SK. Who the heck was calling me at 6 o'clock in the morning over there. "Hey", i said into the phone. "Hey its JoonKyung(Dok2)", my eyes widend. "Hey, how have you been", i said kinda surprised that one of my best friend's just called me. "Im good, how bout you", i sighed. "Im a CEO of a music company", i said kinda curious why he had called me. "Oh. Well if your busy ill leave you alone", he said and i wasn't that busy. "No what sup, joonkye", i said his old nickname i gave him along time ago. I heard him kinda chuckle. "Well me and a few of the boys was wondering if you wanted to come down and judge show me in the money 3", my eyes widend. "Why do you want me to judge", i asked. "First your strict and can put all these people trying to audition in there place", i smiled, and laughed. "I mean yeah. I was one of the best rappers out there", i said getting up ready to go home. "Ok when does it start, cuz i have a couple of my kids in an award show on the 21st and i gotta be there for them", i said. "Id fly you out on the first and it would start on July 5", i nodded and got into my car. I connect my phone to Bluetooth in the car. "Ok when would i come back", i asked. "Well if you wanted to the end of the show so on your birthday", i nodded. "ok, and your paying for my ticket", i smiled and i heard him chuckle. "Yes, well me and the boys are chipping in", i smiled. "All the boys. Ill hit who ever didn't chip in for you ok", i said and he laughed. "Ok ill tell them", he said and i started the car and drove home. We talked for about 2 hours after i got home.

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