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We stopped at the drive through of McDonald's so we could get food and go to their office. I ate on the way so i could get everything done. Once we finally got to the office building DongQ grabbed me outta the car while joonkye got my wheel chair outta the back. Once i got in the wheel chair DongQ pushed me in and we got to the elevator. We went to the third floor and to the fourth door on the right. I was pushed into the room and it was kinda small but i was pushed up to the closest desk to the printer. Joonkye logged on to the computer connected to the printer and i pulled up my email. I got all the documents and started to print them all. Once they were all printed i signed and dated everything i needed to,and i was handed an envelope. I smiled and put all the stuff i needed in and on it. after i finished i sat back for a minute and i let out a small breath before i smiled. "Almost done. Just need to mail it out and im done. Im free", i said and smiled at them both. "We should get the boys together and celebrate", i said with a smile before i pulled out my phone to text the group chat.

Mina- Guys do you all wanna come celebrate with me!

Jinie- what are we celebrating?

San- yeah what are we celebrating?

Mina- my freedom from America!!! Duh

Jint- Sanchon right?

Mina- yep.

Daniel- can Hye-Jung and haru come?

Mina- of course they can. Been dying to see my niece.

Jinie- ok yea comeing. What time are we meeting.

Mina- 4:30

Everyone said ok and me and the two boys mailed the letter and Headed home so we could get ready.

STRICTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora