I walked into the kitchen, the guys following me, and visions of last night started appearing in my head. I shook them off so the others didn't start to ask me questions. Tristan filled the kettle and pushed the button down before jumping up on the countertop. Connor popped the bread in the toaster and joined Tristan on the countertop.

"I'm just going to pop over and see Delilah." Brad said as he turned around to leave.

"Could you tell her that I'm..." Brad turned to look at me. "It doesn't matter..." I changed my mind and my expression turned glum. Why did Brad need to go and see her, why couldn't Tristan or Connor? Brad turned and left I saw his expression change to confusion after I had said that.

When the toast had popped up I buttered mine and put loads of honey on, just how I like it. Tristan had made my cup of tea with two sugars, what can I say, I've got a sweet tooth. I made my way back to my room. I felt Tristan's and Connor's eyes on my back but didn't look back. I guess I have all the evidence I need.

Tristan's P.O.V

James had gone in his room last night and nobody has gone in or out except Milly and Tilly. Me, Brad and Connor were all stood outside his door silently debating whether we should knock or not. In the end Connor just knocked on the door me and Brad stopped the debate and composed ourselves.

"Come in." We could tell the usually upbeat James wasn't quite himself. We opened the door and he was sat on the edge of his bed.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I asked giving a weak smile in an attempt to make him feel better.

"I've been better..." He replied his smile as weak as my own. I hate seeing him like this, it hurts me as much as it hurts him!

"Look James we don't know what's up and we don't really need to know but you need to know that we're here for you!" Brad said whilst walking over to James and placing his hand on James' shoulder to reassure him.

"Thanks guys, seriously! It means a lot!" James replied as he stood up and pulled a T-shirt over his head. "Come on, let's go grab some breakfast!" He then made his way out of his room and we followed him to the kitchen. I noticed that he looked kind of taken aback but tried to hide it so I pretended not to notice. I filled the kettle and turned it on before I jumped up on the counter followed by Connor after he had put four slices of bread in the toaster.

"I'm just going to pop over and see Delilah." Brad said before turning around towards the door.

"Could you tell her that I'm..." James said before pausing and his face dropped when Brad turned around. "It doesn't matter..." Brad looked confused as he walked out of the apartment and James didn't say anything after that. Once the toast had popped up he made his toast and I made everyone's brew handing James his firs as I could tell that he was upset again. James returned to his room.

"Tristan, you don't think James thinks that Delilah likes Brad, do you?" Connor asked me with the most worried expression I had ever seen him express. Thinking about it actually that makes total sense.

"Actually Connor, I do, and I don't think Brad going over to see her helped the situation!" Connor's face dropped even more at what I said. We need to sort this out, and fast.

Brad soon returned and he walked over and ate his toast which we had prepared for him. Connor and I just stood there looking at him nit knowing how to tell him. He turned to look at us and his expression changed to a puzzled one.

"What?" Brad asked with his mouth full with toast, I went to tell him but Connor beat me to it.

"We think that James thinks that Delilah likes you!" Connor blurted it out but Brad understood and a look of guilt surfaced on his face. He was speechless, well, what could he say that would make the situation any better?

"Look Brad, it's not your fault but we need to make sure Delilah and James make up." I said breaking the silence that had fallen.

"But how? You know thinking about it now, I think Delilah thinks James likes Milly..." Brad said with that look he has when he's really thinking about something.

"I reckon it would be easier to persuade Delilah that James like her than persuade James that Delilah likes him, even though it's obvious she does!" Connor said his voice changing to a 'duh' tone towards the end.

"Let's do that then!" I said as I practically ran out the door.

Delilah's P.O.V

There was another knock at the door and Milly went to answer it. Tristan, Connor and Brad walked in. They joined me on the sofa and Tristan took hold of my both my hands and Connor put his hand on my shoulder. I felt as if the atmosphere turned serious.

"Delilah, I know it's upsetting and you don't want to talk about it but we think we've figured out why you're feeling the way you are. You're wrong on so many levels!" I felt slightly relieved but wouldn't allow myself to believe it. I looked away from Tristan. "Delilah look at me..." He lifted my chin so that I was looking into his eyes. "James likes you...nobody else! Not Tilly, not Milly, you! Only you!"

"Tristan..." I started to argue back but I was interrupted.

"No, Delilah! Listen to us! James is cooped up in his room because he thinks that you like Brad! Now, as yours and James' friends we know different!" Connor had turned to me so I was facing him and when I looked into his eyes I knew that he was telling the truth.

It was all so much, I started breathing faster and faster. I felt so stupid! James wasn't upset yesterday because he was jealous of Brad it's because he thought I was jealous of Milly! I turned to face the boys and was about to ask for the key but Brad was already holding it out to me. Smiling, I took the key from his hand and ran out the door, across the corridor and into the boys' apartment.

"James?" I shouted to James hoping he would come out of his room and almost instantly he did. He ran down the corridor his face stained from tears. His hair was a mess and his dreamy, blue eyes had lost their sparkle.

"James...I'm so sorry I was so stupid to think you liked Milly when really you were just upset because you thought I liked brad when I don't and..."

"Just shut up an kiss me!"

James ran over to me and his tender lips met mine. He lifted me off of the ground, holding me around my waist and then hugging me. It felt like time froze and the moment was beyond perfect! The day I had wasted thinking he liked Milly was the worst day of my life. When we had finally finished kissing he put me down and tucked a hair behind my ear. His eyes were sparkling again and he was smiling.

"I've missed you!" James said to me, looking into my eyes and holding my face with his hand, stroking my cheek with his thumb. I lent my head into his hand and put my hand on his.

"I've missed you too!" He pulled me into a hug and rested his cheek on the top of my head.


"Yeah?" I pulled away from the hug and looked up into his eyes not feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment or awkwardness.

"I...I love you." He looked nervous and I couldn't blame him.

"James Daniel McVey, I love you too!" James smiled and oh how I have missed that smile. He then picked me up and spun around before kissing me.

I love James and he loves me...


EEEEE! Yay yay yay! They've confessed at long last! However they aren't officially a couple *hint hint*! Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me and share this story!

Thanks again, Fin! <3

Our Wildhearts (James McVey, The Vamps)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz