Chapter 144

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A/N GUYS I FINALLY FOUND THE WORD I'VE BEEN TRYING TO REMEMBER FOR WEEKS! IT'S SELF DEPRECATING! My gawd, this is such a relief, you don't even understand.

Castiel tosses his suitcase in the back of the impala, barely given a second thought to the pentagram on the trunk. He slides into the passenger's seat, and as soon as the door shuts, Dean starts the car, the music blasting so loud that it blocks out the noise of the engine.

"You know I love Bon Jovi," Castiel begins, nearly yelling to be heard over the music, "but this is a bit loud."

"Sorry." Dean quickly turns it down, just before the song ends.

There's a brief pauses, then, "Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. You give love a bad name."

"Yes!" Castiel says excitedly. "This is the best Bon Jovi song ever!"

Dean chuckles. "Well, lucky you, then, huh?"

As soon as the words start, they both start singing, Dean under his breath but Castiel louder than necessary with excessive excitement.

"You know," Dean says with a glance over at his boyfriend, "if I wasn't driving, I would totally put this on Instagram."

"Ooh, good idea!" Castiel whips out his phone and holds it at an awkward angle so it can see both of them. "Wait, wait, the chorus, and..."

Dean obviously gets what he's trying to do, because as soon as the chorus starts, they both begin singing — or, more accurately put, screaming — the lyrics. He stops the video as soon as the chorus ends, but he doesn't post it until the song is over, because he loves the song too much to not give it his full attention.

Castiel's account has gotten pretty big lately. It's rare that he gets less than 100 likes on a post, and people tend to comment on all of the videos. The fan page world seems to be growing now that word is out that he has an account, which helps.

He's heard that a few people have post notifications on, because, for some unknown reason, they always find these videos on his account before they see them anywhere else. Hmm. Wonder why. Could it be that, gasp, he's the first one to post them?

Dean and Castiel don't speak much on the ride, mostly just jamming out to Bon Jovi. Eventually, they pull up to the airport, and they finally have to leave. Castiel slides out of the car and grabs his suitcase, returning to the passenger's side again to say, "Thanks for the ride."

"Well, you're leaving me, so I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you're gone," Dean replies with a grin.

"It's only three days," Castiel reminds him. "And knowing you, you'll probably sleep through half that anyway."

"That — actually, yeah, that's probably true," he agrees. "Alright, three days. See you then."

Castiel grins at that. "Yep, love you." With that, he shuts the car door to begin the long and annoying process of a flight to Los Angeles.


Castiel does manage to surf Instagram a little bit while he waits for the flight to start boarding. Once again, he's mostly in it for the captions, because the comments on his post are pretty boring, but he likes seeing what's going on in his fans' lives, and their thoughts on him.

"I've been listening to that live recording of the song from Sioux Falls for the last forever trying to learn all the lyrics but it's so hard to understand because people won't stop screaming. Like bisch not all of us are lucky enough to go to Sioux Falls and watch it live. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. (I say as if I wouldn't be screaming my face off if I saw him live.)"

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