Chapter 4 - The Glee Club Finds Out

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We were warming up backstage when Mr. Schue entered. "You guys are gonna kick butt tonight. Your first performance in front of a real audience. I can't wait! You guys are gonna love it," Mr. Schuester smiled at us. He then realized who was missing "W-Where's April?" Mr Schuester ask just as April arrived. "Yee-haw! Right on cue as usual! Hey, rollerboy," April slurred at Artie. "Handsome," April slurred to Finn as she walked past him. "Oh, I like that color," April slurred to me as I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Have you been working on the moves we ta," April slurred to Puck as she then stopped "You've got something right on," April slurred as she kissed Puck who seemed confused. "Oh! Honk!" April slurred as she grabbed Kurt's nose before getting to Mr. Schuester. "There's my boy," April slurred. "Are you drunk? - You promised me you'd sober up for this," Mr. Schuester frowned. "When? Last night? Well, I was drunk. You can't hold me to that. Hit it, Knuckles," April slurred as Mr. Schuester looked distraught as Miss Pillsbury called him out into the hallway.

We were soon called out onstage and told to get into position. We line up behind the curtain. I just happened to be paired up with Puck for this number, given everything that had gone on the past week I was less than thrilled. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome McKinley High School's New Directions!" Figgins announced as the curtain rose and Carrie Underwood's 'Last Name' began to play.

I found myself enjoying myself with the choreography. Sure things for me weren't exactly ideal but the upbeat Carrie Underwood song let me forget about that for a moment. I had a lot of fun dancing around and even throwing my hat into the crowd, laughing as I did so. It had been awhile since I felt that great doing anything. It was strange for me especially since I had joined Glee club only to get Finn back yet here I was enjoying myself with something I used to think was so lame.

We celebrated a performance well done as we headed backstage to change. Guys in one room, girls in the other. I put on my Cobalt Blue shirt as well as the black tie that went with it. We came back into the room with the guys as everyone was dressed. I helped Finn out with his tie, making sure it was straight.

"They loved us. We're a hit", Artie beamed, giving Mr. Schue a high five. "W-W-Where's April?" Tina asked. "You were right Mr. Schue. She'd massacre Mariah in a diva-off", Kurt said. "April is amazing. But she's not in the Glee Club anymore," Mr. Schue said as we all looked on shocked. What had happened with April? "I- I... uh... I screwed up bringing her here. It was about me, and Glee Club is supposed to be about you guys. You don't need her to be great", Mr. Schue said. "But we need her for the second act", Mercedes said said. "I'll just tell them we had to cut the show short", Mr. Schue said. We all were disappointed. We were trying so hard to perform well, felt like we really belonged out there. "Hey... guys... you were great. Don't worry. There will be other performances", Mr. Schue said. "Excuse me", Rachel said, walking in. "I think I might have a solution", Rachel said, "in show business, when a star can't perform, her understudy steps in. I'd be happy to go on for April, if you'd let me". "Since when are you willing to be an understudy?" Mercedes asked. "Since I quit the play", Rachel said, walking closer to everyone. "Really? Why?" Kurt asked. "I realized being a star didn't make me feel as special as being your friend. If I'd let you down when you needed me the most, I'd never forgive myself. I know all the words to the song", Rachel said honestly. "You don't know the choreography", I shot back. There was no way I was letting Berry take over as lead yet again. "Then we're gonna have to give her a lot of help out there", Finn smiled. "Go get in your costume", Mr. Schue smiled as Rachel smiled back.

Berry was yet again back out front, taking over the spotlight like usual, singing a love song with my boyfriend. It was all just frustrating to me. The second act soon began as Finn started off the song "Can?". We all turned around "Anybody find me somebody to love?" we sang as the music played and Berry joined us on lead. I ended up being paired with Mike Chang for the choreography. We walked down singing "Find me somebody to love". Even though I felt little connection to much going on around me, trying not to be distracted by Berry singing with my boyfriend. I tried to stay focused on the choreography. Truth be told, yet again performing I still enjoyed myself. The song itself was a lot of fun to perform and was a crowd pleaser. I just wished more than anything it was someone other than Berry singing with Finn. We did give another really great performance which I think we all felt great about, especially when the crowd cheered for us.

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