Chapter 21

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After Miki was born, we had to stay in the hospital for another week just to be sure if we were safe and healthy. Carson and James came to visit us. Actually, they were only interested in Miki, as if she was the only baby born in the world.

Oh, about the whole Miki incident, James said there were cases where parents encounter their future child without realizing it until the actual child was born. For me the last thing I remember about Miki was she went to her room after we ate cake. The room she stayed was actually the nursery.

Thinking back, maybe this was the reason why I felt something was missing or I was forgetting something during that even.

It didn't make any sense on how all of this had happen but I still remember how I meet Miki. She was super clingy when we first met. Perhaps they couldn't find any information about Miki because she actually didn't exist yet. Makes me wonder what happen to those who already met Miki. Would they still remember her or would they think I'm making it all up.

Before I was released, Carson and James ask where we will be staying. I ask if I could go back to the house where Derek had kept me in. They gave a questionable look to each other. I felt a frown on my face, thinking it was impossible because it was the home if the murder. They both told me they will check if it was possible not its not guarantee.

The next day, they came in with the good news, saying it was okay for me to live there but the place was a bit of a mess.

After signing papers, Carson and James drove me home. This time, I didn't fell asleep and got to see the very beautiful scenery I always wanted to see since Derek took me out. We arrive to the house that was still intact. Carson helps me out of the car while I carry Miki in my arms.

The front door was unlocked and inside was slightly dusty, disorganize because all of the searching and like they said, it was a mess. The two offer help to clean the mess and while I went to the nursery room and place Miki down in her crib. 

She whimper but I gentle pat her stomach, sang some tune before helping the two clean mess. After the house was clean, I thank the two and they promise to stop by with food and supply before I was able to support myself.

Sigh. I miss Derek.    

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