Could Not Forgive

Start from the beginning

"Merida?" Rapunzel shivered. "What did you do to her Pitch?"

"I gave her a bittersweet nightmare, that's all. As for you, you're going back."


"You'll thank me later. Hmm.. Maybe."

What does he mean?

Pitch's nightmare sand caught me by my waist. I groaned. "What are you doing?!"

He is slowly getting myself out of Rapunzel's body. I feel my soul draining. "You were useless. You're meant to stay dead." Finally, he took my soul and placed Rapunzel back.

I was now floating, seeing Rapunzel changing her body back into it's usual features. Pitch was a jerk. Mother will kill him for what he did.

"But what about Nefaria?" Rapunzel asked.

"She'll be who she'll always be."

~Bunny P.O.V.~

Mate Hiccup was stressed of the battle replanning. He didn't made any plans to it yet. We were all too tired to even think about it. We decided to hit the hay but before I could get to mine, I went to Tooth. I noticed she was not herself after the replanning.

I knocked on her door. "Tooth? Uhm, can I have a second, mate?"

I heard her footsteps from inside. They were in a slow pace. Wait. Why is she even walking? She does not need to walk, she has wings.

Tooth opened the door and greeted me, "Hi Bunny. What is it you want to talk about?" She asked in a really very tired tone.

"Tooth, are you alright? You look... weak." I said with worry in my eyes. I can feel something very wrong about this.

"Uhm, no. I'm... I'm fine, thank you Bunny." She smiled sheepishly.

"Are you sure? You know I saw you awhile ago and... you didn't look so good. Are you sick?"

She stood firmly and told me she was just fine and maybe it's just because she's tired. But I still don't think she's just fine. That phrase is a girl's bigest lie.

Not sooner, she collapsed in front of me. Instinct rush through me and I caught her by my paws. I was sweating. I never got the chance to carry her. I took her to North. She was super light.

"She's getting weak." I heard North's thick Russian accent. "It's the children."

"What should we do? She can't be like this forever!"

"Of course not! We wouldn't dare let her stay like this. But we also can't collect teeth for her since she might be the only one who could know the locations of the children needed to be collected for teeth."

"Do you think Baby Tooth would know?" I asked.

"There's a possibility."

"I'll get her." I moved and headed back to Tooth's room where her other mini fairies might be sleeping. I hopped inside and saw them in their beds.

"Baby Tooth." I whisper-shouted and tapped her. She didn't respond. "Baby Tooth, we need your help." She still did not wake up. The other mini fairies didn't as well. "Not you guys too." I sighed and went back to North. "They're as weak as her."

"Then I guess we have nothing else to do." North scratched his head and bowed down. I, on the other hand, am not in the mood for a scratch. Crickey, we need to do something!

"How many days 'til Christmas, mate?"

North tilted his head and stared at me, confusedly. "Just about 2 days from now."

"You better prepare your gifts before Pitch spoils them rotten. I don't want it to end like my eggs the last time."

"Why are you saying this? Aren't you suppose to hate Christmas Season?"

"Well as for this moment mate, I don't have a choice. It's the only way to boost a little energy on Tooth." I said. I hope this would work.

North nodded and smirked. Oh crockey, what's that face for? "Good. You'll be helping the yetis paint, the first thing on the morning."

I knew it. "O_O What? Woah, hold on there--"

"You said, it's the only way to help her. SO that means you'll do anything to help me, help her." He gestured to Tooth. I sighed.

"Fine. But I won't paint red. Give me other colors except that color."

"Done. Haha!"

 ~Nefaria P.O.V.~

At least right now, I'm still free from the abyss. But unfortunately, I'm just a soul. Pitch took Rapunzel and Merida, put them inside a jail room. They're now both imprisoned. He left them there.

"Nefaria..." Rapunzel called.

"What now?" I said angrily.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It ain't your fault." How come I said that? o.o

"Hmm." She smiled. "I knew there's something good inside you. I have to say, I was angry that you took my body. But I forgive you."

I was surprised. "You? Forgive me?" I gave her a confused look. She just nodded. "But I was horrible to you and your friends."

"I guess your heart was rough when you revenge but it will soften when you'll be loved. You just need a friend Nefaria."

I saddened upon hearing it. "But I don't have one." I said.

"No, you have! Me." Rapunzel smiled at me. I don't know what to feel. I just think I'm being unfair to her. I desperately wanted to make my revenge on the Guardians and yes she was right that I need a friend. She's now offering herself as my own and if she becomes my friend, I might be afraid to harm hers.

"You can't be my friend."

"Why not? Is it because of the Guardians? Nefaria, I don't think there's a need for a revenge. Just learn to forgive. I forgave you. You should know how to forgive them too."

"I... I don't know Rapunzel. I just can't. I---" Rapunzel's face frowned as I told her but I'll continue nevertheless. "I can't forgive them Rapunzel. I--- I'm sorry." I flew away and left her.

A part of me is sorry. A part of me is also mad. There's only one thing to get over with this madness.
 I need to find a spot outside the lair.


A/N: I decided I'll call my readers, Keepers. I don't know why but I just liked to. Haha. Well, if you don't like it, you can suggest something else. :// hehe.

Lol. So this is another chappy.. Uhg. I'm sorry. I made Tooth weak. I kind of have a writers block again. But I fought that and made this. -_- haha. Anyways, our training will end on May 20. So until that day, I can't update this story.

That's all for today Keepers. Until the next time! HugsxKisses!


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