Chapter 3 - Everything Changes

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Santana and I approached Mercedes as she was talking with Kurt. "Notice how much they hang out?" Santana said. "I know...I wonder if we could convince her that Kurt is into her," I said. "Only one way to find out," I smirked as we got on either side of Mercedes. "You should totally scoop that," I said. "I don't think I'm his type," Mercedes said brushing it off. "Oh, I think you are. Just follow our lead. We've got your back," I smiled at Mercedes who just seemed to take our words for it. It payed to be a popular girl. People will always believe you even when you're steering them in the wrong direction.

That weekend we decided to pay a trip to one of Vocal Adrenaline's rehearsals since know-it-all Berry knew what their schedule was. Kurt had offered to drive us all in his car since we would all fit. After about a 2 and a half hour drive up to Akron we got to Carmel High's auditorium. "Are we even sure They're rehearsing today?" I asked logically. "Vocal Adrenaline rehearses every day From 2:30 until midnight," Rachel said with certainty. Just then Mercedes and Kurt linked arms. "I'm just so nervous these Vocal Adrenaline kids are gonna laugh at us. They're so cool and popular, and we look like we just stepped off the short bus," Mercedes complained. "Those sweaty Nazis have just had more time to practice. We have more heart. And you don't look touched in the head. That outfit is amazing," Kurt smiled at Mercedes. Mercedes then looked over at Santana, Brittany, and I who gave her approving looks to proceed. She then proceeded to ask Kurt out which he just took as her wanting to hang out.

"Guys! That's Andrea Cohen. She won Outstanding Soloist last year at Absolutely Tampastic," Rachel beamed at the Vocal Adrenaline girls.

"You can't leave rehearsals for any reason. That includes heat exhaustion or Crohn's disease," a member of Vocal Adrenaline said to the other who was coughing up into a garbage can.

"Are you guys Vocal Adrenaline? We'd like to talk to Dakota Stanley about choreography for our glee club," Rachel beamed.

"Don't! He's a monster," the girl over the garbage can said.

"Oh they're just exaggerating. I'm sure he's fine. Nothing happens without a little hard work and dedication," Rachel said as she rushed into the auditorium. We followed her lead even though we knew what the members of Vocal Adrenaline had said was the truth.

We had watched Vocal Adrenaline rehearse their number of 'Mercy' which was pretty much perfect but that wasn't enough for Dakota. "GET OFF MY STAGE" Dakota said as soon as they were done rehearsing as Vocal Adrenaline obeyed rushing offstage. Dakota stormed out. The Glee Club mostly looked horrified besides Santana, Brittany, and I who knew hiring him was pure genius to destroy the Glee Club.

Dakota storming out led Rachel to follow him out with the rest of us following in toe. "Mr. Stanley! We're the McKinley High glee club," Rachel called. "No interviews," Dakota simply said. "We'd like you to choreograph for us," Tina said. "Look, my fee is $8,000 per number, plus a $10,000 bonus if you place in the top three. And with Dakota Stanley at the wheel, You will place at the top three," Dakota said to us. "Move it," Dakota said as his driver speed off. "How are we gonna get $8,000?" Rachel asked horrified as Brittany, Santana, and I looked at each other. We knew it was up to us to talk to Coach Sylvester about this.

"$8,000 dollars huh?" Coach Sylvester said. "That's what Dakota said when the Glee Club wanted him to help out," I said with Brittany and Santana nodding. "Ladies, I think I know exactly what we need to do to get the Glee Club the money. A fundraiser," Coach Sylvester said. "Well the Glee Club did talk about doing a car wash," I offered. "Excellent. I'll send some of my best customers out for this. Oh and ladies, you're going to help out. We need to convince the Glee Club that we're all in on helping them raise the money," Coach Sylvester said. "Yes Coach," I smiled as we all looked at each other. This car wash was going to get us Dakota Stanley which would intact destroy the Glee Club once and for all.

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