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I could spit a thousand thoughts
into an empty paper cup
And everyday my anger would lessen
And eventually I'd lose that feeling
Until it mounted back again
piling up on the hills again
And I'd scream angry thoughts again
And find some never leave me

I couldn't describe the feeling
of being trapped within my chest
With no escape imaginable
and as my voice begins to tremble
the cage locks up within
And my mind is lost within
And I'm not me within
I'm afraid it'll never leave me

I can't stop connecting people in my life
Me to you
My mom to me
You to my mom
In how I'm always fighting
Just to continue fighting
And to be unafraid of fighting
Knowing fear won't leave me

You couldn't know the way it feels
To be afraid of being real
As I try to describe the feeling
you ask me to do something
And all I can do is continue thinking
Even when there's nothing to be thinking
You couldn't know the things I'm thinking
And that'll never leave me

When I ask for open ears
I always hear an open tongue
And I feel I could be better
but know I never will
I just want some understanding
But it seems there's no understanding
And I don't think I'm understanding
That this will never leave me

It doesn't matter who understands
I am stuck inside my thoughts
Gasping from all the fighting
And being stuck within
Over and over again
My mind will never leave me

Poems of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now