Inner Side

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I wouldn't tell you how to feel.
If you found me guilty,
I would kneel.
If you loved me dearly,
I would glow.

But I'd never judge you
On what you think;
Even if you yell
Then I would shrink.
If you were wrong
I wouldn't argue
You think what you think
And I know what I know.

We are all different
Even in how we're same;
We're learning about each other
There are many new things.
I learn you're a loner,
You learn I'm a lover.
We may not understand it,
We may not feel the same,
But if we try to understand
Each other we both can.

I look inside of me and try
To feel the things you say,
And if you'd be so kind
I'd ask for you to do the same.
I know it may seem odd
Or wrong to you of me,
But this part of me is happy
And as such I'd like you to be.

Find your inner peace;
Don't lose your inner love.
Know who you want to be
And I'll learn to be someone.

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