A closure

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In silence I wept

In heart I loved

In mind I changed.

Nothing's ever gone forever

And dreams never sleep.

The nights I dreamt of your forgiveness

A final word

A heartful goodbye

I never dreamed to see one's deliverance

And in my mind

I'd said goodbye.

I wished to tell you of my sadness

The troubles I faced

While you were away

But silenced deepened my rememberance

Of that day

You went away.

So shocked 

Too shocked

To cry at first

Since then I have not wept a tear

Except that day I wished to end

That day I wrote how sorry my dear.

I will not forget  your loving embrace

Your vanilla scent

Head on my shoulder at rest

The nights I spent in tortured hate

Myself and others 

You always stayed. 

Everytime I fell apart

You picked the pieces up for me

I never expected the end result 

It turns out you took some with you

Of me.

Now it's over 

We said goodbye

Purhaps you'll be happy,

Life won't be so crappy,

I love you my darling,

And as it turns out,

You too love I.

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