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"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

I took my passport off the counter and looked at it. I looked decent. We had been here a little longer then planned and was heading back to Myca and Danny's apartment. "It's almost 12."

"These days are going by so fast."Myca sighed.

"They are."I admired the ring and she stopped.

"You can't get over this can you?"

"Why should I?"I smiled. I quickly frowned and looked away realizing who was behind her.


"Get the fuck away from us."I muttered and took Myca's arm.

"I really need to talk to you."

"You heard her. Fuck off."Myca rolled her eyes.

"Alright fine..."He stopped following us but, He said something that made my stomach and heart drop.

"Guess Ben will get hurt."

I turned and was taken back. "Excuse me?"

"Alex he's just saying stuff to piss you off."

"No, no let me talk to him."

"I was just saying Ben might get hurt if he doesn't watch it."

"Watch what? Your like half his fucking size." I knew that was a lie. At the very least his eyes were to Bens nose."Leave us the fuck alone and stay away from Ben and my sister."

"If you say so."He smirked.

I had a sense to punch him in the nose. Break it. I was beyond pissed off. Put my knight in a push up bra came to my rescue. Myca walked straight toward him and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Look here. I've had one hell of a fucking day. I don't need some 15 year old douchebag to threaten my bestfriend, her boyfriend, or her family. Now, I'm going to let you go and I swear to fucking god, If one more thing comes out your mouth, I'm kicking your ass."

I swear I'd seen less afraid deer. She let go and he walked away having a fit. Cursing and stomping away.

I was nervous and I did the one thing I could only do. Laughed and hugged Myca.*

"So what are we gonna do now? 2 more weeks and their home."

"I was thinking. Make over."

"That's vague."

"Seriously! It starts now and meaning no talking to him for 2 weeks so he'll be crazy when he gets back."

I sat leaning on my arm. We had been playing xBox for some time now to get over Josh. Myca was boxing.

"Starting tomorrow?"

"Starting tomorrow." She reassured me.

"Okay."I said after a few seconds."Why do I feel like I'm selling my soul to the devil?"

"Cos you are."She smiled picking up Lucifer."Isn't that right Luci?"She licked my face.

"Ow! If it doesn't fit don't force it on me."

"Alex it's a fucking dress. Suck it up."

"I've sucked many things. I can't do this one."

She let go and sighed. "Every fucking time..."She muttered.

I took the dress off and felt my legs again. "After buying clothes what do we do?"

She smiled grimly."Hair and makeup. Trust me it will be hot."

"Myca obviously I trust you but, I think your crazy."

She shrugged."Won't deny I'm not. Now put that fucking dress on or I will put it on for you."

10 seconds flat. That dress was on.

"It's too dark."

"Nothing is 'too dark'."

I sat in a hair dressers chair while she and Myca talked about my hair.

"It was already dark."She corrected me.

"Excuse me for being a natural brunette."

"Not your fault you don't have a color that works for you."

"Okay you know what?"I was about to stand but, Myca pushed me back down. "Just let her do her stuff Alex. I'm sure your going to love it."

"Ughhh."I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"So defiant."The lady muttered.

I had my mouth agape when Myca gave me a look. I looked away and the woman tugged on my hair in a not so nice way. "I'd love to define your eyes with a darker almost black red."

"Oh really?" I said through gritted teeth.

I'd like to define my foot up her ass.*

Bens POV:

Odd Alex hasn't talked to me in almost a week. Probably out with her crazy family. Or worse Myca. I sat on the bus with Liz our puppy sitting by my feet.

I knew Alex loved James Deans but she always sauntered when watching Elizabeth Taylor.

Why do I know this much about her?

God, I'm whipped.

"Your gonna make me love you too, eh?" I stared at the dog. She just wagged her tail and nudged my foot.

"I've heard of cat ladies but, this is pretty sad."Cameron laughed.

I sighed."The last week always kills me."

"Hey have you heard from Myca or Alex?" Danny looked up from his video game.

"No. You?"

"Yes. Cos I obviously asked for that reason."

"Ass. Really have you?"


"Think somethings wrong?"

"Not really. Myca hasn't returned my calls and Alex is...Her. So probably just making you wait."

"Wait for what?"I hated being this damn clueless.

"Wait until you get home. Myca does that alot."

"Doe what?"

He paused his game and stood. Everyone was laughing.

"What?"I stared at Danny.He came over and hugged me putting my head on his chest."Shhh you confused man."

I sighed and smiled. I'm happy to have friends like this... Sam rolled his eyes and got into his bunk.

More or less.

***So things are moving a little crazy right now. But! Uploading today again cos I really Really REALLY want to get that part out:c

Yeah...Its THAT good(;

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