Great Choice

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I stood holding his hand waiting or response, Dammit, Ben.

"Yeah..."He shook his head,"Who are you?"

Great choice.


I stopped holding his hand.

"Oh, I'm Amanda."She walked towards us smiling, as if she won but, he held his hand out and rubbed his forehead.

"No, stop.I just wanted your name."

She stopped walking like an obedient dog and and stuttered,"B-But, you don't have my number."

"I wanted your name."


"So I know who stopped me from having sex with my girlfriend."He sighed and held my hand again. I was shocked. Ben was, never like this...

She looked at me and did the somewhat better thing to do. Rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Come on."

"We are fucking anywhere youwant now."I said at ease. Ben never gave up girls like that, why now?

"We already were."He said pulling me into a hug and kissing me with full force.*

"Wakey wakey."Danny poked my face with what I prayed was his finger.

I scrunched my face and opened my eyes. Okay he was using his finger.(Thank God)

I yawned and shivered. Why was it do damn cold?

Looking at myself I realized I was in my underwear lying next to a completely naked Ben in Cams car.Oh god, i could only imagine who mightve walked by and saw.

I put Bens shirt on quick and Danny, James, and Cameron laughed."Kinda too late, we already got our pics in."

I groaned and looked over.Sam stood outside, he looked dead. "I cant sit if you two are still,"He began.

I nodded and pulled Ben over putting clothes on his lap to cover his dick.

I sat awkwardly and yawned. I was tired as hell and I wanted to just pass out. The guys were obviously tired, Danny almost running us off the road 3 times, keeping Cameron awake, bitching about his car.

We got to Cams house and I didnt get in bed fast enough, Ben shuffling slowly through the door still.

"God, why did you let me get that drunk?"He stretched.

"Why are you talking?"

"Cos your my girlfriend and thats what we do. Talk."He sat on the bed and ruffled my hair.

"Isnt that nice."The covers felt fucking warm and I had to struggles to keep my eyes open.

"Alex, do you like your sister?"Ben got next to me.

"Uh, yeah.Why?"

He shut his eyes and turned over opening them barely to see me."Are you jealous of her?"

I stared."Why? No."I was a bet. Wont lie. Shes so perfect. Everyone loves her practically.

"But, when were at your parents you stared when her and Twat, were all mushy."

I shrugged, hugging him closer, trying to kill the subject. Dear god, sleep come quicker for both of us.

"Ben can we talk in the morning?"

He was silent and I leaned up to kiss him.


I smiled and put my head on his chest, letting it fall when he would breath in.*

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