Take What You Want

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I had left Myca and found my way to the park on the way home.

"Baby girl, turn me on with your electric feel..."

MGMT ran through my phone and I looked at it curious. My sister. I rolled my eyes and rejected it.

A few more time it rang before I finally got irritated."Dammit Emily leave me the fuck alone."

"Uh? Ouch! Damn, I was calling to ask wanna sit with me."It was Sam.

"Oh. Sorry. Sit with you?"

"Yeah. Your right across from the swings."

I looked over and saw Sam sitting looking over at me. I chuckled."Why not?"

A few kids were running around hving the time of their lives. I went over and smiled."Seriously?"

"Yep." I needed some air wandered here." He shrugged."Victoria's Secret?"

"Haha...Yeah. Myca's idea."

He nodded."Mhm. Suuuuuureee."
"No, I'm serious."
"As am I."

"Are you guys really moving to the US?"
I sat next to him on a vacant swing.

"Yeah. Who told you?"

"Last night Ben said something about it."

"We aren't going yet. After this tour we'll have a week. Then off to Texas."

I nodded this time. Texas, where Cameron and James' girlfriends, their main studio, and it was closer to alot of the venues they loved playing at.

I looked down at my feet.

"Alex, Im pretty sure your going."

"I was...I think."

"Probably still going."

"Who knows?"I unk dpwn and started swinging small.

"Lets race."


"Who can go higher."He looked at me.

"Alright."I laughed slowing down.

"GO!"He didn't even give me a chance to stop. He just started swinging.

"You fuckin cheater!"I laughed.

"Says the loser."
I laughed and swung my feet. Sam jumped off landing on his ass and I laughed hysterically until I fell off myself.

"Whose laughing now?"He smirked.

"Still me."I stuck my tongue out and wiped the dirt off my jeans.

"Help me?"

"Sure." I pulled his hands and we stood together and slowly started walking back home.

"You curse at your sister alot?"

"More then ever now."

"I heard."

I yawned and saw him looking at me sideways and laughed,"Alright, What is it?"

He shook his head and ruffled his hair."I just don't get why he would do that to you."

I scoffed. "He's Ben."

"Yeah, I know but, It kinda pisses me off. He made fucking threats. Saying if we bother you he'll kick our ass. Then he not only bothers you but, that? What the fuck?"

I held a small smile the entire time. "You know I honestly never thought I woulf ever have a conversation like this with you."

"Sorry." I bit inside my jaw. Was he really talking to me now like this? It amazed me a bet.

He linked his arm around my shoulder as we walked and I looked at his hand.

"My arm's cold." He spoke and looked up at the sky.

"Mhm. Sureee."I said mocking him like earlier.

"No really." He pulled his arm away and pulled his sleeve up."See?" He wasn't looking and walked into a spider web. He freaked and I steped back just watching.

"Thanks for the help."

"What I hate spiders. God. 8 legs. Thats just not normal."

"Your not normal."

"Oh, shut it."I smiled.

A line of the web was on his face. I lifted my hand."Stay still."

I took it out while he watched my face carefully and I flicked my hand on the fence from the back enterance of the gate. "Got it."

"Thanks. If I find one on me I will hurt you."

"You won't."I rolled my eyes and walked away. I got bumped in the back with something and  I turned to see him shaking his hair at me. "Stop..." I walked faster. I could see Cam's house.

We were silent the rest of the walk but, he asked something that made me stop."Do you love Ben?"

I looked up at him.

"Oh. Nevermind."

"NO, no. I..."

I do. I do. i do. i do. I love him not matter what and I dont know why. He fucked me over but, I know he loves me...

I think.

"No."I spoke on impulse. I then realized he wasn't the only one listening. Walking out Cameron's house was Ben.

He walked toward us and walked between us, avoiding my touch and bumping Sam's shoulder. I swear I heard the words, "Fuck you."

We're Just Living Reckless (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن