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I could hear Ben and the guys with their girlfriends in the living room laughing. I was so tired from today I was lying in bed. A month and a half... 4 weeks... She was going to be here by September.

I turned in bed on my right side and groaned. It hurt. Lying on my back frustrated I heard the door crack. Two small corgis cuddled next to me and I saw Myca. "Your up."


I pet Luci's head and sat up a bit. Myca sat net to me and smiled. "Ben said you freaked out earlier."

"A little."

"I dont know why. Alex you are going to be a great mom."

I groaned. "Why the fuck does everyone say that?"

"Because its true." She laughed and fake punched my arm.

"I dont think so..." I shook my head.

"You made Ben act like a grown up. Somewhat at least. That is all the proof you need."

I laughed with her and she moved to lay on her side to look at me.

"Oh! Did he tell you what happened?" I perked up a bit.


"She had hiccups all last night and earlier today."

"Aww." She beamed. I wad happy knowing Myca thought the same as me. We began talking what ended up to be the entire night before Ben interrupted. "Myca go away. I want be alone with Alex."

She rolled her eyes and crawled out the bed. "Whatever Ben." She looked at me and winked. "Wait did Danny leave me?"

"No he is out of his fucking mind in the other bedroom."

"Great." She whistled and the two dogs stretched to go follow her.

Ben closed the door behind him and I laid back down. "It wasnt fun to party without you." He smirked and messed with my hair.

"Im sorry Im with child." I sighed and pulled the covers around me.

"Someone's in a bad mood."

"Shut up"

He frowned and I shut my eyes pretending to be asleep.

He went in the bathroom and came out in just his boxers. He got into bed next to me and without a word he held me. My face was on his shoulder and his hand rested on my stomach, his fingers grazing lightly over. "I love you Alex."

"I love you too." I sighed and kissed his jaw.

Our bed never felt more comfortable. I swear the further along I was pregnant the more I loved sleeping. "Alex." Ben said against my neck and I buried myself deeper in the sheets.

He shook me a little. "Its almost four."

"So." I pushed myself back a little against him and his arms wrapped around me.

He laughed a little and let me sleep a little longer.

I woke up with Ben just looking at me smiling. I covered my face and stared at him. "What?"

"Nothing." He kissed my forehead and pushed hair out my face. "Come on get up. I have a surprise."

"Ben seriously no more surprises."

"Dont worry its good."

He kissed me and held my hand helping me out the bed. He led me to our daughter room that was closed. "The night you were next door and last night the guys helped me put some things up."

"Like what?"

He opened the door and her nursery was set up. A crib and changing table across a small love seat. There were a few toys scattered on the ground and Liz stretched from her bed.

My eyes watered a little and I punched his shoulder.


"You suck." These last few days I had done nothing but cry and he wasnt helping.

"My mum sent me the stuff a few days ago and it was at Dannys for a bit."

"I love it." I looked at the rocking chair with a pillow in it and turned to him. I wrapped my arms around Ben and kissed him.

His hands rested on my lower back and he kissed me back. "Admit it you love my surprises." He mumbled against my mouth.

"I do." I laughed and jumped a little as I felt her kick. "I think she does too."

He felt her too and smiled.

I sat on the swing outside while Ben played with Liz. My phone rung and I saw it was my father. "Hello?"

"Hey." He sounded cheery. "Everything going good?"

"Yeah." I filled him in about yesterday and sighed. "When did it hit you that you were a parent?"

He laughed. "When you were born. I knew I was but, it wasnt until I held you."

I nodded. "Im so scared."

"Your mother and I both were."

I sighed and asked how she was.

"I spoke with her a few days ago and she see me define. Shes moving back to Australia."


"Yeah but dont worry about her. How are you two?"

"Pretty good. Bens the calm one. Im not."

"She over reacts to everything!" Ben called back as he chased Liz who had a tennis ball in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes and my dad laughed. "At least your doing fine."

"Im just so anxious." I admitted.

"Your going to be fine."

"No one knows that."

"I do. I obviously messed up but, you came out better then I couldve asked for. I know you'll be a good mom."

I let out a sheepish thanks and we spoke more about my worrying.

"Dont worry so much."

"Ill try not to because that really helps." I spoke sarcastically and my dad laughed.

I hung up after we said bye and sighed. I couldnt help but think I wouldnt. But Ben would be the best father ever. I watched him play with Liz a while longer before he grew tired and picked her up, kissing her nose. She would have the best dad. "Stop staring at me because Im sexy." Ben winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

****I dont know if I should add a few more parts of Alex and Ben bonding with flashbacks or just plunge and have Alex giving birth and end the story. So should I add more with the flashbacks or just do the birth? I will try to connect the flashbacks with the upcoming or last part if I do that so expect that. Im not sure. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE? ♡ ****

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