I'm Glad You Came

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Alex first meeting Bens parents.

"Shut up!"I honestly didn't want to hear how Ben fucked some girl behind our school. Honestly, It was a little annoying.

"Awww, Jealous?"He was leaning a little too close.

I pushed his face out the way and crossed my arms. "No. I just don't want to hear about some stupid girl again."

Danny was leaning on the slide and sighed looking up. "She's right. Hey, are you two coming over? Its about to pour down."

"Yeah, yeah. Give us a bet."Ben shrugged.

"Okay, well I'm heading home."

"See you later."I stood.

"Mhm."Danny left us and I sighed. He was right. The sky looked horrible. I looked at my phone and it said it was almost 7."I should be going home too."

"Come on,"Ben stood too and walked with me.

"I don't live down here."

"I know. Shortcut." He smiled.

I stopped."If I get killed i swea-"

"You aren't going to get killed."He laughed wrapping his arm around my waist. We walked until we came to a small shop with nothing but pastries. My stomach growling honestly didn't help.

"Want one?"

I shook my head and he shrugged pulling his phone out and calling someone."Did she still want one? Im here now. Hurry, Its going to close."

I stood bored and kept checking the time and the sky. It was already starting to drizzle."Great. Thanks Ben."

He was paying for somthing then smiled,"Your welcome. I say we go to my house."

I put my hands on my hips."Your plan all along eh?"

He ruffled my hair and we walked out."How'd you know?"

"Wild guess."I put my hood on and followed him to his house. It didn't help much. I was both freezing and soaked by the time we reached his home.

"What took you so long?"A man I supposed was his dad asked.

"Its pouring outside. Sorry." He smiled and his dad loooked at me. "What do we have here? She your girlfriend?"

I blushed and stuttered, "Uhm- I n-no." I rubbed my arms. Not like I was standing in wet clothes or anything.

"Ben wh-, Oh."A woman, No, gorgeous woman stood behind him looking at me. "Hello. Your soaked."

"I make girls do that."Ben muttered.

She sighed."Follow me please."

"Yes ma'am."

"So are you a friend of his?"

"You could say that."

"Girlfriend? You look a bet young."

I laughed. "On second thought, Yes we're just friends."

She smiled and looked at me, "You like my son?"

"What?"I stopped. Why was I suddenly hot?

"Kidding. You kids can't take a joke. Here." She gave me a shirt and I insisted on keeping my jeans on.

"Your short, The water soaked the bottom half. Just put these on." She gave me a pair of pajama bottoms I assumed were hers.

"No, I-"

We're Just Living Reckless (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora