When We First Met.

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(*Flash Back when Alex met Ben.Shes 3 years younger than Him.^_^)

She was 14, he was almost 18.***Sorry this chapters a bet longer:C

"Alex take your sister over there and buy her ice cream."My dad handed me a $10.I looked at him and sighed.We just moved and the last thing I wanted to do was go stand in a line with sweaty strangers. But, then again I could leave the walking around with him and my mum into the mall.I gladly accepted and took Emilys hand.She skipped happily and we went to stand in line.

"I want vanilla."She whined.


"With sprinkles."


"And chocolate sauce."

I sighed."Emmy your getting whatever I give you."

She stuck her tongue out and I asked the guy for 2 cones.He gave me one and I handed it to Emily.

"But that ones bigger."I took the other one and looked down at her glaring.She just licked the cone and smiled walking away.

I paid for both cones.I turned and saw my little sister no where in sight."Emmy?"I stopped eating and looked around.

I finally saw her talking to some guys who were about my age.I walked over quickly and spoke."Dont walk off please."

She looked up and mummbled Sorry.

"This her?"One asked.

She nodded."Alexandra. But she goes by Alex."

"Thats a boring name."His mate to the left looked away.

His friend nudged him and said,"Shut up."

"Thats James and he's uhhhh..."

"Danny."He spoke up.

"Well Danny, Im sorry my name is so boring."

He shrugged."Not your fault."

"We stood silently and my sister threw half the cone away."I'm going to the playground."

I nodded and was about to walk away when James asked."You guys just moved here?"

I looked back and said yeah.

He nodded and Danny walked away,He did a high five to a guy and they both walked over.

"Where from?"James asked.

"Australia."I smiled."I don't really like it here all too much."

"Well you've met us and-,"

"Looky 'ere.James found himself a girl."The guy walking with Danny whistled. He was kinda cute.

"Now you've met Ben."James sighed.

A few minutes passed of us talking and my sister eventually walked over asking us to go.I said bye and walked back."Had fun?"My mum asked.


"Yeah we met boys!"Emily smiled.

"Oh, really?"


"Look it's Danny!"Emily was waving.

I looked back And saw Danny walking over.

My moms eyes got wide.She was shocked why Emily knew this guys name and why he was waving at back."Hey,Alex?I have to ask you a question."He stood infront of me and smiled at my mum."Okay?"I walked a few feet away from my mum and Emily and he spoke very blunt."Ben wants to fuck you."

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