Such Good Taste

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I stood outside a gorgeous home and my eyes watered. "We're living here?"

Ben nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Go look inside." He kissed my cheek and dropped a key in my hand.

I nodded and James helped me up the steps. "Its so weird seeing you like this." He smiled and took the key from me to open the door.

"What do you mean?"

"Starting a family. Its just weird." He unlocked the door and smirked. "But, Ive never seen you so happy."

I was pretty sure I was blushing and nodded. "Well thats good. But, could you open the door?"

"Sorry." He laughed and opened it.

It was beautiful. Hard to believe Ben picked it. The biggest bedroom, what I assumed to be ours was probably twice as big as the one we had at Cameron's back home.

"Holy shit." There was a large bathroom off it with two things I knew we would use later: A shower and bathtub.

"I think he's making this your kids room." James called from the hall and I nodded. It was just one of the other two rooms that were gorgeous."How did he manage this?"

We walked back to the kitchen and I leaned on the island. The only furniture set up was in the living and dining room so far.

"You saw the house?" Ben came in and dumped our luggage by the door. He stood by the back doors and slid them open. "Theres a pool and yard so we can still have parties and skinny dip


Liz wagging her tail was sturring in my bag and I set her down. She ran about the new house and then the backyard.

I was about to wrap my arms around Ben when James coughed. "I'll be outside." He went outside and I could hear Cam talking to him about what we were doing.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it." I reassured him and he kissed me, "We're starting a family here."

"Pretty soon." I agreed and rubbed my lower back. "Come on. Lets tell the guys goodnight and we can both spend alone time."

Holding my hand, with a wink in his voice.

I stood on the porch, leaning on the steps I put my hand over my stomach.

I saw an adorable dog wrestling with Liz and walked, well waddled, to her. "No..." I picked Liz up who was eager and happy while the other dog jumped at my legs to play with her again.

"Ah! Sorry! Kirk! No bad dog." A girl rushed over and picked up the adorable dog. "I'm sorry about that! He always finds ways out the yard."

I shook my head. "No problem."

She noticed Cam dragging another suitcase up the stairs and asked was I moving in.


"Thats cool. We'll be neighbors then!" She beamed. " If you dont mind me asking where are you from?"

As I was telling her Ben finished laughing with the guys. He began walking over and held Liz for me. "Hello."

"Oh hi." We smiled.

"This is our neighbor...." I never got her name.

"Nicole." She nodded.

"Well I'm Alex and this is Ben."

"Nice meeting you." Her dog wiggled out her grip and she frowned. "I should get home before I lose him again."

"I nodded. Well he can come over anytime, Im sure she wont mind." We laughed and she was on her way.

Ben messed my hair up and laughed. "Look you've made friends."

Rolling my eyes, I went to the steps and frowned. "Help me up please?"

"Of course."

"I never thought in a million years you would be doing this."

I sat in the bathtub full of warm water while Ben massaged my back. "I said Id change didnt I?"

I was a little skeptical. "You do change. Unless you want something."

He let out a small laugh and leaned down to kiss my neck. "I've already got it."

Sighing. I sunk deeper in the water and closed my eyes.

"Alex? Come on. I dont think I can pick you up."

I swatted his arm as he stood up and helped me out.

I felt like a child as Ben walked me to the living room. "When can we go shopping for furniture? I miss beds." I yawned and struggled to cross my legs. Fuck it.

"Whenever you want." He winked and pulled a bed out the sofa for us to sleep on. I was exhausted. But, it felt nice for Ben to treat me like this.

"Ben." I whined.

"Yeah?" He sent in the closet and bought out sheets.

"Im hungry." I began to cry and he stared at me. "What?"

"Your hormomes are great." He laughed and I kept on crying. "But Im so tired and I wanna sleep."

Liz jumped in my lap and tried to sit on my baby bump.

He finished setting the bed up and kissed my forehead, leading me to sit and get comfortable. "I'll get something then." He kissed me and wiped my eyes. "Stay here and sleep okay?"

I sniffed and nodded. I was too tired to argue and really too hungry to argue.

I laid down and snuggled under the covers as Liz sat near my head. Ben kissed my hair and whispered, "Be back. Love you." He turned the tv on and I fell asleep to the door closing and smiling huge.

***Sick and exhausted. Hope you like this. oh and to Nicole see:D Ill happily include people who want to be in this just be patient with me^-^ Like it? No? Yah? ***

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