Flash Delrium

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"Done!"I sat down and sighed.Luci had fallen asleep on the sofa and dug her paws into my side. 

I scrolled my phone. 

A Message from my sister asking if Ben and I could come over tomorrow cause she was bringing her new boyfriend over. 

I smiled and said sure, knowing when I convinced Ben all i had to do was sleep with him again. 

Dont get me wrong, sleeping with him is definately not a chore but it did,Pass Time. 

"Im tired as fuck!"Cameron walked in and went straight to bed. 

I stood and the dog jumped off the couch followed me outside. 

Just Sam and James walked towards the house."Wheres Ben?" I looked at James, knowing Sam wouldnt answerme."Bar."He shrugged. Typical. Before I could ask anything else Sam walked past us and inside. 

"Does he hate me?" I mummbled. 

James laughed."Who cares?If he does Ben will take care of it."He picked up Luci and went in.I followed. 

"Ahhh,Did good Alex."Cameron came out in just jeans and sat on the couch. 

"Thanks just dont-," 

Sam opened a bag of chips and they flew everywhere.They laughed but, I just stood there."Alex dont cry."Sam laughed.10 hours of being a cleaning bitch and he messes it up. He's cleaning up. 

I shook him off and sat down."Sooooo..."Cameron looked at me. 

"Soooooo?"I.repeated him and put a ear phone in. 

"What'd you do today?" 

I made a straight face and he chuckled."Whoops.My bad." 

"Myca left?"James sat and stole the remote from Cameron.Putting the dog in Cams lap. 

"Yeah, kinda weird she just ran out after you guys." 

"We know.Danny asked her to come with us." 

I sighed and listened to Bloc Party.Ben never asked me to go anywhere with him except bars. Though the occassional hook ups behind places was fun we never did anything now that we were dating.It depressed me a bet, but atleast he's with me. 

They talked a bit before Cameron crashed and James' eyes got droppy.I leaned on him and elbowed his arm, keeping him awake. 

I looked up and saw Sam just looking at TV.I pretended to look busy so we didnt talk.As if it was irony, Someone knocked on the door a few hundred times.I jumped up which made James wide eyed and went to answer it."We're done you fucking whoorrrreee."I was greeted by Ben smiling at me. 

"Cool, bro. Talk to me when your sober."I flicked him off and before I could turn he pulled me to him."I meant with the album."He planted a kiss on my forehead and laughed."You thought we were breaking up.You worry a lot." 

How could I not?He spent almost everyday out with drinking or on tour whenre sluts could fuck him every chance they got. 

"Ahaha, yeah..."I looked behind him."Is that Danny?" 

Sure as hell it was Danny on the hood of his car practically tonging Myca.I looked away and Ben took me hand."Lets go on a walk." 

"Its almost midnight."I complained. 

"Worrying?"He winked and I shook my head.I went back in and saw everyone completely asleep.Guess were all celebrating this album tomorrow.I grabbed my jacket and put on my Toms. 

"Why are we?" 

Ben just squeezed my hand. 

"Im not gonna fuck you here if thats what your trying to do." 

He let out a laugh and turned to face me."You dont remember?Its only been what 7 years since we metin this park." 

I smiled."Yeah.Lets not talk about it." 

"Hahahaha you looked so bad!" 

"Thanks." I sighed. 

"Nooo,"His hand rubbed my lower back."But so did I so we were already friends." 

"Your right about the looking bad thing..."I winked and we sat on the merry go round. 

I often thought about what my life now would be like if I didnt know Ben, but i lioed leaving it at just that. 

A Thought.

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