Crying Lightning

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Bens POV:

"Your mum, eh?"

"Yes, my mom."

"Your mom sounds like a fucking car."I mummbled watching Danny kick ass at Uncharted. I knew Myca wasn't talking to her mum. She was talking to Alex.

And it bothered me. I leaned up and sighed.

"I'm going to bed."Myca said and kissed Danny.

"He nodded and I waved. She rolled her eyes and went to bed.

"I'm not looking forward to this tour."

"Says the man who was so pumped."

"No really. Im not."

"Is it cos...?" He looked at me sideways lifting his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's the Alex thing."

"You know you really shouldn't have done it."

"Fuck! I know! Christ, Im a fucking twat I get it!"

"Woah."Danny paused the game and looked at me. He smirked despite my raging state of mind.

"You really love her."

"Shut up."

"Never thought I'd see this."

"Shut the fuck up Danny."I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, She's your girlfriend still technically. You know her better then I do. You figure it out."

"But, she's so damn stubborn."

"So are you. You two need to actually talk instead of fucking all the time."He laughed and stood."Night."


I stayed there. Luci following him into his and Myca's room. I unpaused the game and killed some people before I felt my phone vibrate.

She texted me.

Alex's POV:

I didn't get any sleep. I wanted to throw my phone at the wall or let it have a watery death in a pool...But I couldn't. I wanted to know if he responded. It was killing me. Why didn't I just pick it up and accept whatever he wrote? I felt I fucked up too much. I turned over to look at what I assumed was my phone. The red light showing it was charging and off.

No. I promised in the morning.

I stopped mid turn and went back lookeding at it. When the hell did I promise anything to myself?

I stopped staring at it and turned over, Looking at nothing but darkness. I just realized how much I missed him lying next to me...With an exception of when he's on tour. Dear god, this is sad. "Aw, hell." I muttered and reached for my phone. It was words. Not like he was here saying all this, Fuck it.

I turned it on, it felt like forever before it was on and finally. I smiled.

'K. Im sorry and I love you too. Night babe(;'

For the love of god, I couldn't stop smiling. I put my phone down happy and finally got some sleep...For 4 hours.

"Alex? Im going with Sam and Danny for a while. Ben's here."

I yawned and nodded, "Mhm."

Cameron left through the front door before I finally got what he said. I leaned straight up and stared at the door. No one has come in yet. I got up and went in the bathroom making sure I looked somewh


This was Ben.

Hes seen me worst. Im sure of that.

I walked out and saw him before I felt him.

Bens arms were around my waist and my legs wrapped around his waist. I couldnt help my self and apprantly neither could he.

Luci barked and wagged her tail at his side."Luce, go." I sighed. Ben's mouth was going down my neck and I was getting light headed. Its only been a few days since he's kissed me like this but it felt amazing. He was turning me into some sort of sex addict...And i was okay with that.

"No. Room. Now."i breathed was all I could get out.

He pulled away smiling and carried me to our room shutting the door.*

"Sooooo?"I yawned and kissed his jaw.

"Hm?"His arm was around my shoulder holding me close.

"Are we..."I traced his tattoos on his chest and bit my lip.

"I think so.Do you?"

"Yeah. I just...feel like I over reacted. When you said I should only worry if you come back I was worried but, I get it. And you did come back...So I'm okay with that."

He kissed me."Only one good thing came out of this."You were badass to your family."

"Something told me you would say that."I smiled.

"It was hot."

I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Im leaving in the morning."He fluffed my hair and kissed my forehead.

"Sadly. But when you come back.."I winked.

"We still have time left..."He pulled me on him and kissed my neck.

"I love you."He muttered against my mouth.

"I love you too."I ran my hand through his hair.

It felt nice to back in his arms like this.

Even if it was just for some hours.

*Like them back together? Its gonna be crazy after this, I promise.

I have exams all tomorrow through Friday so Ill try to update when i can. That why ive been updating shitloads:o Anyways, happy so far?(:



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