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Flashback of course

Alex 18 still***

"Alex?" I was leaning on Bens shoulder as he sat on his bed.
"Hm?" I was exhausted and I wanted to spend the night with him again.
"I'm going out with Danny and James tonight."
"Can I come?"
He sighed and put his hand on mine before standing."I just wanted to hang out with the guys tonight..."
I yawned and immediately stood to walk when he grabbed me and hugged me from behind. "But I'll be over later..." He muttered into my ear and I laughed squirming out of his grip. "Your so fucking annoying."
"We fucked what do you expect?" Ben winked and grabbed his coat and we said bye to his parents as we left.

"Coming Over later right?" I asked again and he groaned. "Yes. Do I need to buy condoms or?"
"Please." I went up the steps and he stared. "Why?"
"Fine don't bring them. We just wine have sex."
"Alex you're so uptight." He laughed. And hoped on the step as I turned to go in. Holding my hand before I went in. "I'll bring some."
"Okay." I was skeptical as he let go of my hand and he began walking.
"Don't fuck a lot of girls..." I muttered not expecting him to hear but he turned grinning.
"Aw is someone jealous?"
"No." I nearly snorted but I did feel some truth in my voice. "I don't feel like hearing about all your sluts all the time." I shrugged and he nodded.
"Sure you don't." With a wink he turned and continued walking until he came to the corner and flicked me off before disappearing behind a fence and I sighed.

I opened the door to my home and was met with laughter. Rare.
"Alex you're home." My dad smiled at me and I nodded. "I'm tired I was going to crash." I was about to walk to my room when my mom came out the kitchen with some of her friends. "Alexandra! Hi sweetie!" One of the women beamed and I nodded.
"Alex you remember Mrs. Garner and Mrs. Smith."
I nodded and said hello while Mr. Garner came from the bathroom. I said hello to him also and my mother put food on the table.
"Where's Emily?" It was quieter than usual of course.
"She's next door spending the night. We thought you were spending the night as well..." My mother held a smile still on her face trying to scold me happily in front of her friends as they sat at the table.
"Ben went out." She cringed and looked up at me. Before she could speak Mrs. Garner looked at me. "You've got a boyfriend?"
I felt my face flush and as I began to speak my mother spoke over me. "No. He hasn't even asked her but she spends days and nights at his house."
"How do you know he hasn't asked?" My eyebrows were furrowed.
"Because you haven't asked me."
I was taken back by my mothers childish statement. I didn't need her permission to date. Despite wanting to say something else I shut my mouth and was too tired to argue.
"I'm going to bed then. It was nice meeting you." I flashed a smile and went in my room shutting the door.

"What?" I thought Ben was at the window but it was still shut. Looking at my phone it was only 2 in the morning.
Laying back down I jumped at the sound of my parents shouting outside. I stayed still as I could hear my mother curse at my dad for not caring about their relationship."Stop ignoring me!"
I couldn't hear my dads response but something shattered. "Get out! You just run away. As always. Nothing's changed." I got up and went to my door slowly looking out at and seeing my mother down the hall crying. I frowned. I opened it a little wider when the front door shut and she stood against the wall her shoulders falling from crying.
"Mum?" I took a few steps out and wished I hadn't.
Her neck craned around to look at me and I was taken back. "You."
"You could've stayed and spoke to everyone. Your father and I had to deal with everyone asking about that stupid friend of yours."
"And you stand there while your father and I argue?" She scoffed.
My eyes stung at her words and I realized she was walking towards me. "M-"
She grabbed my arm harshly and took me to the living room. Nearly pushing me on the floor she stopped. "Do something J ask for once and clean this up."
I remained silent and slowly walked around the glass to the closet to get a broom and dustpan. She watched me intensely with her arms crossed. "You spend a lot of time with him and his friends."
"He's starting to tour...I miss him." I sighed and jumped as I stepped on a small piece of glass.
I knew her tone. There was no point in speaking. Her voice said she already didn't care and my reasoning wouldn't help.
"No reason." I didn't meet her gaze but walked around her to empty the glass into the waste basket.
"I hope you grow out of this. I'm sick of you being disrespectful towards your father and I-"
"I'm not? Dad left because your so uptight. He doesn't like Ben but he doesn't over react like y-" She had slapped me. I stood there a few seconds staring with glazed eyes.
"At the very least your one of the reason he left." She turned the lights off leaving me in the dark as I walked slowly to my room and closed the door. Locking it just because.
As I settled into bed I sent Ben a text. 'Your still coming right?'
I didn't realize by morning I had nearly spammed his phone with 'please come'

"Where's your son?" I was outside Bens parents home and his mother was at the door. I was a little drunk but I just wanted to curse at Ben. He didn't come by last night and my arm was beginning to bruise along with my swollen face. Both from crying and my own other.
"Alexandra are you?" She looked concerned as to why I was drunk already and it was only 6 in the morning.
I stared at her expression and stopped. "I'm gonna go."
"Oh no no no no no come in. I don't want you to hurt yourself." She helped me in her home and on the couch. It didn't take long before I was crying and told her about last night.
She frowned and let me lean my head on her shoulder. "He never came by then?"
I shook my head and swallowed my tears as Ben came down the stairs in boxers. "Couldn't stay away?" He winked and as he came closer he stopped. "What's wrong?"
"You dick." I stood and nearly lost my balance.
"Are you wasted?" The smile on his face told me he found this amusing and I was pissed. "This is great."
"Ben..."His mother shook her head.
"What?" He didn't seem to realize but his face turned from amusement to confusion.
"What happened to your arm?"
My chest heaved as I took deep breaths and I looked down, covering it.
"Who did that?"
"You said you were gonna come over and you never did." My words were slow.
"Alex I-"
Some girl came from upstairs and went into the kitchen wearing one of his shirts. I stared at her. "Of course." I was laughing to keep myself from crying and realized I shouldn't have come. "I- I need to go."
"Alex your drunk. At least stay here until your okay." His mum was concerned. "You can stay in the guest room, okay? "
I couldn't take my eyes off the girl but nodded. "T-thank you."
She walked me into the guest room and I laid down. "My sons an idiot I know."
I smiled small and closed my eyes. I didn't hear her leave or Ben come in until the bed shifted. "I read your texts."
"Too late for that." I didn't open my eyes and even look at him.
"Don't you have your girlfriend or whatever outside?"
"My mum kicked her out." He crawled over me and was laying on his side in front of so we were facing each other.
"What happened?"
"Obviously something did if you spam my phone and call my hookup my girlfriend." He gave a cheeky smile and moved closer.
"You ran ass you know that?"
"Because i didn't come over lasts night?"
"Yes. I waited. I stayed up waiting for you. My dad left and my mom..." I swallowed my words and realized how much I didn't want to talk as my head was ringing.
"She did this?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does."
"No it doesn't because you weren't there!" I was already crying.
"Well shit I'm sorry. What do you want me to say?" He rolled his eyes annoyed by how stubborn my response was and I sat up. "Where are you going?"
"I can't stay here. I'm going home."
"Alex." He got off the bed and stood before me. "You said it yourself were just friends I don't know why your getting so mad."
"Excuse me for thinking friends actually kept their word." I opened the door and began to walk out when Mrs. Bruce asked if I was okay from their kitchen. "I can't stay here. I'm sorry."
"Alex wait-"
"No." I turned and looked at him. "I don't think we're even friends if some ass comes before me."
"Why are you exaggerating-"
"Because you know how much my family fights and you weren't there for once."

Bens pov:
Alex stared at me hard and I realized how sad she looked. Her eyes were red and she looked terrified. For once I wasn't there. She was right. I had always come by before no matter what time of night if she needed me. "I'm sorry." I ran my hand through my hair and she stood staring at me then down. Before she took off to walk again I held her hand. "Sleep in my room." She didn't look up at me but held my hand and walked with me upstairs. I closed the door and she kicked off her shoes and laid down. I laid next to her and kissed her forehead as she cried into my chest. "I'm sorry."

***contrast of the next part is the reason for this. Their relationship pretty much and how it went from never there to always there no matter what and etc. I hope this wasn't confusing. I was rereading this before I wrote this part and I wanted to kick my ass like this is so good wtf did I stop lol***

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