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It was almost one when I went home with the help of Nicole. "Thanks for coming!"

"It was fun." I smiled and knocked on the door and lights came on. I waved as she went back home and Ben opened the door. "Have a good time?" He picked Liz out of my arms and kissed me.

"Yes... you were right."

He locked the door and I didnt even turn around because I knew he would tease me about him being correct.

"Ohh I was right?"

"Shut up." I made my way to our bedroom and couldnt wait to sleep in our new bed. Ben followed and sat on it while I went to take a shower.

"What did you do while I was there?"

"Stayed here and kicked James ass at Saints Row. Hes in the other room. What about you?"

I nodded. "We watched American Horror Story. Its really good... and had pizza. Thats it really."

Ben didnt reply until I came out the bathroom in a tshirt and shorts. "And its all because of me."

I rolled my eyes and got in bed next to him. "Yes. All hail Ben."

He helped me pull the covers up and kissed my cheek. "I cant tell if your serious or not."

"Sucks for you then." I kissed him back and put my head on hus chest to sleep. Before Liz decided to third wheel everything and get between us.

"We have another doctors appointment today." I sat at the table while Ben made breakfast. It was hard to believe he was even cooking.

"Yeah at two. Then tonight the guys are coming over to celebrate moving." He sipped a beer on the counter and I sighed. "Must feel so good to drink."

He saw my face and bought my plate to me. "Here." He put it in front of me and went to get something to drink before he bought his own food and sat next to me.

"Ugh." James walked out from the hall and wiped his eyes. "Morning."

"Morning." I smiled as Ben stole half a pancake off my plate.

"Thanks for the breakfast Alex." He took another plate off the counter and sat across from us.

"Actually Ben cooked."

He looked up and shook his head. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Ben sipped his beer.

I chuckled as they bickered.

"Ms. Morgan?" A woman came out with a clipboard and I stood with Ben and walked into the small examine room.

"Your due date is almost here." She beamed.


"Around three and a half more weeks."

"Around?" Ben spoke up as he helped me sit on the awkward bed.

"The dates arent always exact but, thats an estimate." I took a deep breath as she checked my heart rate.

"Youve made your move without any problems right?"

I nodded. "We just need a crib and some other things and everything will be fine."

Ben groaned. "We have it handled."

I averted my eyes from him and she shifted obviously sensing that was was in debate. "So if you could just lie down we could check and make sure everything is okay."

I awkwardly sat as she checked the movement of our daughter and asked if we had any problems. "She was kicking a lot more then usual the other night."

"Completely normal. My son wouldnt stop...but, if it is painful then there is a problem."

"It was just uncomfortable."

She moved again and I shifted. The doctor smiled. "Those are hiccups."


She nodded and pushed a few buttons and Ben and I heard her hiccup. "Thats cute..." I smiled and felt Bens grip on my hand tighten.

"Yeah." Ben agreed and his face lit up.

My eyes began to water and the doctor excused her self to give us a moment.

"Shes hiccuping." I sniffed.

Ben kissed my forehead and let his lips linger. "Your so emotional."

"Shes really there like... oh my god." I wiped my eyes and looked at my stomach. "Ben we're really gonna be parents... in a month."

He pulled away and looked at me.

"Your going to be a father and Im..." I couldnt think straight.

"Going to be the best mother ever." He reassured me.

I couldnt help and cry. When we left the doctor helped us mark a room for when I went into labor and gave us instructions to follow when it happened. But, until then she gave us some reference for when I did start feeling contractions.

"You okay?" Ben asked as we left the hospital lot.

"No." I was beginning to feel so terrified of everything that was happening. I guess it showed as Ben turned to me. "Alex everything is going to go great."

"Im just scared. What if it doesnt go well?"

Before Ben could speak I continued. "What if she hates me?"

He laughed and I as I opened my mouth to start complaining again he kissed me hard. "You worry so much."

I couldnt even think of something to reply with except, "How are you not!?"

**hoped you liked this part^_^ haha according to my mum I did nothing but kick and hiccup when she was pregnant with me so yeah i thought it would be a cute moment between all three of them:3 anyways yeah.**

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