Be Safe

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"Are you sure everything is packed? Maybe you're missing something?" Ben, mum held my hands.

"We're packed. We aren't missing anything." I smiled at her and she frowned.

"Are you sure because-"

"Mum, quite worrying." Ben kissed her cheek and I noticed she was crying. 

"Aw." I hugged her and she sniffed.

Ben rolled his eyes and she swatted his arm, "Atleast stay a while longer."

"We can't. Our flight leaves tonight."

I nodded and wiped my eyes realizing I was crying also. Ben's dad and mine agreed to get our stuff sent as soon as possible and Ben had filed for a restraining order on Josh and our families. According to Stephen, it really didn't surprise him.

His mum held me at arms length and looked at my stomach. "A month and a half and my gorgeous grand daughter will be born." Before I knew it, I was in another hug and I couldn't help but, smile.

"Come on. We still have to get to the airport and wait." Ben rubbed my lower back and I struggled to let go of his mum. "Mum. Come on. Dad already said both of you are visiting after she is born."

"But, we aren't going to be there..." She finally let go and Ben hugged his mum and wispered something to her that made her nod and clear her throat. "Well as long as Im there for the next one."

I stared at him and hit his shoulder. "No more for right now."

He winked and I sighed. We were going to live together and raise a child. Oh god.

"Alex, everythings good." My dad smiled at me and I nodded. "Thank you. Uhm, is mum going to be okay or?"

He shrugged. " I left a message saying you were going today. She hasn't responded so I'm not sure."


"Don't worry about her. Focus on her."

He looked at my evergrowing belly and I laughed. I hugged him and let out the last few tears I had.

"Come on you two! I don't want you to miss your flight."

"Can they please!" Bens mum whined.



I shook my head and Ben carried our bags. He wouldn't let me hold anything except my passport, purse, and Liz who was poking he head out of my bag. It was hard to believe I could actually fly with her in my lap so it made things a little easier.

"Come on it will be great."

"I'm sure it will."

Ben laughed and we made our way to drop off our luggage. 

"Want anything before we go?"

I stared at him and clenched my teeth. "I can't do this."

"It's just an airplane. We'll be in Texas before you know it."

"No we won't. It's 16 hours. Hell, getting over here was an hour and it felt like forever." I was going mental.

He kissed me and I was so stunned my eyes stayed open and people were looking at us like we were mad. He pulled away and laughed. "This is nothing. We've been through so much and this doesn't isn't any different. Besides, you're having a baby. Save the freaking out for that."

I stared at him a while longer then nodded.

"And I have surprise for you on the plane."

"Ben." I shook my head and he held my hand. "No more surprises. Please."

"Well this one is great."

"Danny!" I hugged him and he laughed.

"Hello to you too!"I sat between Ben and him.

I smiled and Ben spoke to him about moving. 

"I'm staying with Myca for a bit then finally getting my own place."

"Thought you two broke up?"

"We were." He laughed again and bumped my shoulder. "Ask Ben about the house he bought."

"Shut up!" Ben muttered and I stared at him.

"Is it bad?"

"No it's seriously the best I've seen. But, they the realtor thinks he's gay."


Ben chuckled. "We pretended to be gay so I could know more about the house. No big deal."

Danny snorted. "Yeah, I mean when you show up with your pregnant girlfriend then what?"

"She's just carrying our baby." He shrugged and I rubbed my forehead. "You didn't just..."

They talked about the move to Dallas and I just played with Liz. 

"We're off." Ben squeezed my hand and I nodded.

 Despite everything, Ben was right. We were there before we knew it.

"Ben? Danny?" I was freaking out. We had just landed and I couldnt find either of them. "Where did they go?" I looked down at Liz and she just wagged her tail.

I wandered over to the luggage pick up hoping to find someone and I felt someone hug me from behind. "Alex youre here!" Myca practically screamed in my ear.

I turned and wrapped my arms around her and squealed like an idiot. "Oh my god you're blonde."

She nodded and draped her arm around mine. "Wait I have to find-"

"Babe where'd you go?" Ben kissed my cheek and smirked.

"I was looking for you!" I shook my head.

"I said I'll be back. Or were you too tired to pay attention?"

"Shut up." I smiled and saw the rest of the guys standing around near Danny.

"Alex you look fat." Sam laughed and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I hugged him and Cam saving the biggest hug for James.

It felt so good to see them again. "Ill go put our stuff in the car." Ben whispered and set off to the doors with Danny, Cameron, and Sam.

"Your glowing! Aw." Myca pinched my cheek and laughed. She offered to take my purse and I shook my head. "I got it."

"So whats been going on lately?" James asked as we began walking.

"I take it Ben already told you about the Josh thing?"

"Yeah. The fight and everything."

"Oh. Well then not much..."

"Is it a girl or boy?"

"He didnt tell you?" I looked at James and laughed. Then again Ben couldnt even function properly just knowing it was a girl.

"Its a girl."

"Knew it! Knew it!" Myca did a little dance and James laughed hysterically.

"How did he take that?"

"Horribly." I laughed too and we made our way to two cars. "We're taking Cam's car once again." Ben smiled and stopped. "Whats so funny?"

"Nothing." Myca smiled and walked to a car with Danny leaning on it.

"Just told them its a girl." I shrugged and he cringed.

"Great..." He did a smile at James and he shook his head laughing. "Anyways lets go see our home." Taking my hand he lead me to car and we were off once again.

***woot woot updates and stuff. Please bare with me some im working and school is honestly a hassle now. (wtf did i want to take so many ap classes._.) but yes ill update every other day or two at the very least^_^ okay bye. oh and to the lovely girl that wanted to be in this your in the next part Nicole^-^ ***

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