Party Til You Pass Out, Drink Til Your Dead

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"This- This is for, This right here is my friend. He's right there."Danny pointed at Ben. He was on the bar of this...well, bar and couldn't be more wasted. Okay well he could but, he was already there, somewhat.

"Oh, you little twit."Ben laughed.

"I-I honestly couldn't do it without him...And all you Fuckers!" Mica was trying to get him down but, the place seemes to find him amusing. "I love you all! But, I love him more...Sorry Mica...If that is your name."

See I knew best when Danny was like this, stay out his view. He was starting his rants and he always had the most fun taking a hit at me. Him and Ben both...

I shrugged down in the both and pushed back towards James.He was laughing and drinking, not as heavily as Danny or Ben. Cameron sat next to him and Sam next to him.

"Aw, don't want them to say nice things about you?"Cameron smiled.

"Nope. I'm good."I sat up and sipped his drink. It hardly did anything for me though.

I looked over at Sam, he was keeping minimal contact with me, but kept looking me in my eyes. Everyone knew eye contact scared me...I felt naked and it disturbed me. Literally.

"Sam, what were you doing in our room?" It came out so suddenly. I never talked to him.If I did I made it what Ben called, short, sweet, and mean.

Maybe a few drinks were kicking in.

"What?"He asked, as if he completely forgotten.

"Uhm, yesterday."I nodded. He couldn't have forgotten I mean, if he did I look stupid then.

"I have no idea what your talking about."He shook his head. His cheeks flushing red.

AHA! He knows, the little prick won't tell me. We're surrounded by others, so I couldn't push the subject.

Before I could opend my mouth someone smashed a bottle.

"Now, you guys are listening!"Ben slurred.

"Oh no."I muttered.

"I love you all, maybe not as much as Danny here...But I do...Somewhat, except Cameron. He will work for my love!"

We all laughed and Ben coutinued."As I was saying! I love you so much, all...But I love that girl over there!The one that looks like the cheap version of Lindsey Lohan, no no when she was a red head."

Someone whispered something to him and he swore."Whaddya mean she was always a red head!?"

I slouched down faceplaming myself and a few people looked at me.

"Here's your big shot."James laughed.

"Noooooo."I said under my breath.

"That girl, is like the best one night stand ever. I mean, she's obviously a prize, still here...Don't know why though."

I shook my head and he jumoed up and down."Oh! Oh! She said she wouldn't fcuk me! She is now!!!!!!!!!! I did it Alex!"He held a thumbs up.

I nodded and turned away blushing."Way to go Ben!"Danny whistled. I couldn't see him but, he was crawling back on the bar. Oh god, a duo.

"I mean you guys have to hear it."

I thought he was talking about the album.I looked over and sipped a bet more of James drink. Geez, what was that? Straight Jack?

"They go at it all night long just-,"He thrust in the air and held his hands out, groaning and moaning things.

I choked and coughed while the entire bar filled with laughter.

"Sorry Alex! I can't get my voice quite right for it...."

"I can!"Ben imitated me like earlier the other day and I sighed.

"Got yourself a prize don't cha?"Sam smiled, leaning back drinking his beer.

I didn't need a smart remark from him. But, the drink was taking over.

I stuck my tongyue out and smiled,"Yep."*

"Alex you said anywhere I want...."Ben slurred we were in the booth having random talk and the guys were getting ass from some local females.

"Right here. Right now. I'm hardddd."He was kissing massaging between my legs and slurring words in my ear.

"Bennn."I sighed.

His hands slipped under my shirt and I stood. He looked confused and spat,"The fuck?"

"Follow me."I walked toward the door and someone touched my back and hugged me.

I led a drunk Ben to Camerons shit car and when I got to the door, his hands pulled me back and traced over my jeans."Now.I can't wait.....pleaseeee I'll fuck you?"

I stopped a giggle. He was definately drunk. It was amusing.

I let him win and kissed his neck."Alex?"

"I love you."Ben stuttered.

I coutinued. He always said that when he was drunk. I never thought much of it.

"Alex...I love you."

I stopped and looked at his eyes. Achohl was fresh in his view but so was I.

"Uhm. I-"

"Get some Ben!"A girl giggled.

I looked over his shoulder. An extremely attractive girl stood obviously wanting to flirt with him. I gripped his hands and he looked down at me. Then back at her.

This was a test. The shit ones in life. He knew I was a tease, but loosey goosey over ther was just waiting to give it up. And he just said he loved me...Shit.

Make the right decision asshole.

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