Call Me

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Nicole was helping me down the steps and Alexandra was carrying my shoes and jacket.

"Can you go get Ben?" Nicole looked at me and nodded.

"Help her in." She was shaking worse than me.

My contractions weren't that bad to even be considered contractions. It was just like a really really really... really bad cramp.

I was sitting in the back next to Raina when Nicole came running towards us frantic. "He's not there! Oh my god!"

I clenched my jaw. "Goddammit." I told Alexandra and Sydney where the bag and stuff was in our home and gave them my key.

"We'll meet you there!" Sydney was taking off after Alex.

I felt something hurt my abdomen. "Fucking Ben..."

Nicole pulled out her driveway like a mad woman. "Your hospital is on tenth street right?"

"Wha-" I cringed. "Yes! Yes hurry!"

I took my phone out and Raina called Ben. "Hello? Hi. Uhm-"

I took the phone. "Danny? Where the fuck is Ben?"

"He's buying food wh-"

"Im having his fucking kid and he better be there."


I could hear Myca squeal in the background. "Alex!?"

"Yes ! Fucking be there!"

I hung up and almost screamed. Im not ready for this.

Bens POV:

I came back with a drink my hand and everyone moving around frantic.

"What the fuck?"

"Alex is having your kid right now!" Danny smiled.

I almost dropped my drink. "What?"

"Dont just stand there!" Myca practically yanked me towards the door.

I ran to the passengers side as she got in the back with  Cam, and James.

"You look fucking morbid." James laughed at me.

Danny was running every light and avoiding us being killed in the process.

"Alex? Hi-" Myca had her on speaker.

"Dont fucking Hi me!" She sounded so irritated. I couldnt help but smile. "We're on our way."

"You better be I swear to fucking God!"

"Alex your breaking my hand!" One of her friends whined. Myca handed me my phone and took her out.

"Oh boo-hoo." She scoffed and I laughed. "Alex calm-"

"Dont you dare tell me to calm down you fucking fucker." I rolled my eyes. "Just dont worry." I hung up and called my mum. "Hello?" She sounded tired. Of course cause its the middle of the night.

"She's about to give birth."

Well she wasnt tired anymore.

"Really!? Wake up wake up! Alex is having our grand daughter!" She sounded so happy.

I laughed. "Ill call later."

"Keep us posted and send a picture of the baby!"

"I will." I hung up and sighed.

I was so calm about being Alex being a mother... But, in a few hours. I'll be a father. Holy fuck.

"I'll park it. Just go." Danny almost didnt stop as we pulled in front of the hospital.

"Thanks!" I got out and closed the door. James got out with me and we rushed in. I looked around worried and saw one her friends.

"Hey where is she?"

The girl stared at me then shook her head. "Arguing with a nurse."

I laughed and she pointed. "Down the hall."

I thanked her and heard Alex. "Im having a baby excuse me for being so rude."

"Im just trying to help you."

"Help me by getting this kid out of me."

I smirked and kissed her cheek. "Sorry about that."

"I was just asking her a few questions."

"Ill answer them." She handed me the clipboard and a doctor came by pushing her in a wheelchair. "Ready to be parents?" He joked.

Not really...

Alex looked up at me and I smiled for her. "Yeah."

It was so weird seeing Alex on a hospital bed about to give birth. She wasnt dilated enough. She had 3 cm to go. Obviously she didnt like it.

"Just a few more centimeters and she'll be here."

The nurse smiled.

Alex had an IV in her and was shaking so much. I went to her side and kissed her forehead rubbing her cheek. "Its going to go fine."

She didnt respond but took my hand.

"Nothing to be scared of. Ive had three of my own." The nurse read a chart and looked at us. "The first is just practice." She winked and looked at Alex once more. "Looks like your ready."

She left the room and Alex squeezed my hand.

"Ben Im scared." She croaked. Her voice was hoarse. 

"I am too." I gave a weak smile. "But, the guys are here and so are your new friends. Theres nothing to be scared of."

She almost smiled and her eyes began to water. "I can do this."

We kissed and I back up as a nurse and doctor pushed her bed to the delivery room. The double doors opened in front of me and I stared the sign reading 'Delivery'.

Im not giving up now. Besides its just like a concert with a special guest. I took a deep breath and went in.

***Here comes the baby^_^***

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