11:The First One Ive Ever Seen Bit

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"Hey Emma, how about you? What's your favorite memory with your family... you know before this whole thing started?" Lori asked.

A mental debate started in my head. Do I tell them the truth of my mom or do I make something up. If I lie I'm sure it'll come back later to haunt me, but if I tell the truth here come the "I'm sorry"s and the looks of pity. Tell them or not to tell them. What do I do. Tell them. No. Don't tell them. Looks of pity are better than everyone eventually getting mad that I didn't tell the truth I guess... so here goes nothing.

"As you all probably already know, I just met my dad, Daryl, this morning... and well my mom... things weren't always the best with her. Ever since I was about 8 she'd abused me, that is until one day it got really bad and I ended up being put in a coma resulting in her abandoning me." I said in a sorta mumbled tone.

"Oh sweetie, I'm terribly sorry. That must've been hard." Jacqui said. I just smiled back.

"I met Rick waking up from the coma. He told me him and Shane," I said gesturing to Shane who was one of the men who stayed. ",used to come check out my house whenever my mom would get too bad or too loud and then neighbors would call and complain." I said.

Everyone just looked at me with pity, the look I absolutely hated. The only person who didn't was Sophia. She must've had a reason. Maybe she's gone through something similar. Not with Carol but Ed... there's something off about that guy. I bet that's what it is.

Amy stood up and began to walk away. "Hey, where ya going?" Andrea asked. "To the bathroom," Amy playfully rolled her eyes and half whispered the rest, ", jeez you try to be discreet about something around here." Everyone just giggle/chuckled.


"Hey, we got any toilet paper?" Amy asks.
Everyone looks over to see a walker take a chunk out of her arm. Andrea screams, which attracts even more of them. Then even more walkers pop up. There's a lot of them. Lori and Carol take Carl and Sophia into their arms. Shane, Emma, Dale, Jim, Jacqui, and everyone else start fighting off the walkers.

Glenn's P.O.V

Gun shots echoed from a ways away. I look at the rest of them; Rick, Daryl, and T-Dog. We all run as fast as our legs could possibly carry us back to the camp. We arrive and we see Amy on the ground a chunk out of her wrist and neck. We see walkers everywhere attacking people in our group. I notice Ed is one of them. Others ear piercing screams echo through the night.

Emma's P.O.V

I'm fighting off walkers. Meanwhile Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog, and Rick return without the truck guns popping bullets out by the second. Rick rushes over to Lori and Carl. T-Dog just keeps fighting off the walkers. Glenn looks my direction, we nod in unison telling one another we're good. I rush towards Daryl and he's rushing towards me. We meet somewhat in the middle of where each of us were just standing. Walkers are getting too close to other people. Daryl and I are doing great keeping the walkers off our trail. My heart stops for a second as a walker goes for Glenn. As it had his wrist in its hands centimeters from its mouth I throw one of my many knives at what seems like lightning speed knocking the walker down and killing it in the process. Daryl looks at me. I don't even know how to describe his facial expression but it was great. If we weren't fighting off walkers I'd be laughing at him.

Over time the number of walkers minimize and now everyone was just catching their breath for a moment. The kids my age are probably petrified of me at this point, what can I say I'm a badass now I guess.

Andrea is still by Amy, Amy is the only person I've ever seen get bitten. Amy was a nice girl. I obviously didn't know her as well as the others but I'm gonna miss her. Rest In Peace Amy.

Third Person P.O.V

Hours have gone by, the sun is coming up Andrea is still by Amy's side. Everyone's worried about her almost everyone else who's been bitten has been taken care of. A few people try to convince Andrea into leaving Amy's side so she can be buried. Carol is putting walker Ed out of his misery. Carl and Sophia are off doing something. Emma, Daryl, and Glenn are taking care off the walkers. Rules are we bury the ones we love and burn the rest. Jacqui and Jim bring up a ruckus "He's been bit!... Jim's been bit!" Jacqui shouts.

Jim reveals his bite mark. Daryl thinks Jim should be killed right then and there. Rick disagrees so that arises some conflict. Rick points a gun a Daryl's head but soon lowers it. Amy finally reanimates and Andrea puts her down. Amy is buried along with all the other loved ones and the group makes the decision to relocate.
Thank you all for reading my story. The note at the top was written the day of which was about a week ago. I write my chapters over a span of time opposed to all in one day because ideas come to me over time. I hope you're all enjoying. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

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