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I sat on the couch with my head in my hands.i couldnt sleep for three days and i feel like im about to fucking blow up.

"Bro you need to sleep ok your eyes are blood shot red,jacob and you to kay"kay and i could hear jeff as clear as day but we really couldnt right now it felt sick to our stomachs knowing someone had the girls especially jay and jazz.

Kay and i have been out for 3days trying to figure out how the fuck we're gonna find them but we already have an idea."yea but if hes holding them how and where would he"i said."Diago...he knows that place like his own house"kay said."how"i said."he's skim's son".


I was hand cuffed to a single bed.i think its been about 3 days since i've ate something but thats not even whats on my mind  right now im just praying that non of these shit bags goes any where near jazmine.

Thank god only Kendal and i know about her pregnancy because we sure aint telling any one.i looked up as the metal door to my room opened to reveal the man that keeps coming in here along with chanelle.

Did i mention chanelle was a part of all this along with dawson.Apparently their plan was for dawson to say he proposed and for chanelle to say the complete opposite and for us to become friends and to go out and here we are now.

"How are you jay"i signed and didnt even bother to talk.Basically i havent said a word since i've came here and im praying the girls didnt say or do any thing stupid."so your still not talking"he said and i felt a sharp pain to my cheek and i looked up to chanelle and dawson and asiya came in the room.

Oh and this is how the pattern goes.Dawson was originally with
chanelle and got her pregnant but then cheated with asiya and found out that she wanted prince while he secretly liked me and now finding out chanelle is officially a lesbian and wants out of all people,jazmine.The first time i heard it i had to laugh because like people are really screwed in the brain these days.Wow.

"stop hitting her for the last time"i felt as dawson came and rest his hand on my cheek.As much as i wanted to push him away i couldnt for two reason.1.i was to exhausted to and 2.he doesnt deserve it.He got me from getting beat with a whip which would have sting like a bitch and im lucky because if wasnt for him i would be dead about now ."Are you ok"he said and i just looked into his eyes and signed i just really want to go home."why do you keep hugging on her"chanelle said as she tried pushing him but she just got back a push from him and a harder one which caused her to fall back and hit into asiya.

"I told her stop fucking pushing me"dawson said looking at the man and looked back at me."are you going to talk to me"he said and i could see in his eyes he really wanted me to say something."i-i really d-dont want t-to"i whispered loud enough for him to hear."ok "he said and stood up."she said her heads hurting now tell her to stop before she kills her and no one can litually live with that"he said and he left and the guy rushed chanelle out the room."tell me why dawson only gets the honour to hear you talk huh"he said and stooped down to my level and i simply stare at him."y-your name"i said and he laughed."why do you think i would tell you that jay"he said and i pulled my knees to my chest and rest my head on my knees and signed.I just want jacob and seba right about now along with our bed.


I watched her walk in the room starting at me and i signed.Please please dont touch me.She sat on the bed and ran her hand up my leg and i brought my both legs to my chest and watched her pull me into a laying position."i havent gotten good pussy in a while"she said as she started to pull st my pants then raised up my shirt."what's this"she said and i creeped away from her."Are you fucking kidding me who the fuck got you pregnant"she said and came in my face."you know im not a lesbian chanelle why are you forcing me"i said and she came so close to me i could feel her breathing on me."Because i want you and only you because your minds ok you hear me your fucking mines i'll make you love me"she smashed her lips on mine and she ran her hand against my stomach and kinda did her nails in them and i gasp."please stop chanelle"i said and she did."your lucky im even gonna let that thing live,jazmine"she said and left.i signed and looked at me hands cuffed and i remembered something.i got on my knees and bent my head down to my hands and pulled out a hair pin.

"Come one please.. yes"i said as my hands came out the cuffs and i rubbed them.i sat and think for a second.ok so this is how it gonna be im not going to try to leave with out jay and them and even if i got them to go with me we have no idea what the fuck we're gonna meet when we leave here so we could maybe stick around for a day or two since we dont have a clue of who and what were up against.
Even tho im not to clear on this i sure know they all leave down here in the night so i decided to make a leave now.i dont mean like leave and go i mean leave go see the place then get back here and tell one of the girls.

I picked the cuffs and door.i peeked my head out alittle not seeing any cameras or scencers.i walked out and saw a stairs.Every step i made it was quite and slow.As i made my way up the stairs i saw another door.As i my way to opened it i felt a slap on my leg and turned around to see jay."the fuck are you doing"she said."the fuck are you doing im trying to figure this place out"i said."same here"she said."how'd you get out"she asked."hair pin"i said."i snatched the keys from dawson when he got to close"she said showing me it."nice"i said.i guess sisters do think alike.

Thankfully this door was clear and opened.i pushed it and we both creep on the floor and hide behind an island in the kitchen.We could see someone sleeping on the couch.As we approched it was a guy but i recognized him."i know him he hangs out with kay and jacob"i whispered to jay and she nodded."im going that way you take that half i'll be back"she said and left and i watched him and remembered his name.Diago thats it.

I took it really risky in waking him so i didnt and continued walking.i meet up to a game room and then an office.i saw another room and the more i got close to it the scent of drugs kicked me as hard as it could by every step.i peeked the door opening it and inside this room was stackes of weed,marijuana,cocaine and more i couldn't even named.

Next to it was guns and knives. There were only like handguns and machine guns and I spotted a snipper and they were throwing knives,daggers,blades,flip knives,spears knives you litually find anything here.i slowly checked out a spears knife for some reason it was really interesting to me.I picked it up and held it in my hand."i think i have and idea in learning how to use these things and when to practice" Jay said as she spotted a time table.

"ok so this is what we'll be doing everyone have a bobby pin in their because we'll be outta here by the day after tomorrow,now have these spears under your bed only take them out at night...remember when we did that training thing in p.e for two weeks when we was in highschool the moves coach showed us"i said."Yea"They all said."practice them all now get back to your cells we'll talk later"
I wonder whats going on with jazmine and the baby,all that crawling aint to good?.
I hope jacob and kay's ok.
I question if everything is going to go as planned....hmm.

Hii loves😜

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