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Two weeks later


Today was the day when we were making our escape.The plan was to pick our cuffs and the doors and we make our way upstairs and to the weapon room.

So far every one was out there cells and ready.we made our way upstairs and stopped as we heard talking.i cracked open the door and peeked my head out enough for me to see.

There were at lease 4 guys sitting in the living room and i signed and i told the girls to be quite and we made our way out.

We crawled keeping an eye on those guys.There backs were facing us.We made our way to the hall and eventually stood up.

I picked the lock and we walked in.Everytime being in here i always got a bad feeling because like its a room full of drugs and weapon with no security.

We grabbed every thing we needed and i spotted something that amused me.This hall was way longer so we made our way down it as we approched a glass door.It looked like an exit out the house.

We slowly and quietly slide open the door and walk outside to be greated by a long ass pool and a backyard as big as the moon.Deadass.

There was this wooden wall that separated the two and we heard talking.Two guys were behind there smoking what it looks like.

From here we could make it over this wall and run to the end of the field and make it into the streets to run but with these two morons were gonna have to kill people........or not.

I dipped in my sides and pulled out two syringes and removed the covers from over the needles.These two were full of ketamine.They used this to knock us out and we lucky they only did it once this is one of the highest drugs to use to put people to deep sleep and you can suffer from depression and alot more.

I leaned over the wall as the girls held my legs i held my breath alittle and made sure i was in good contact and i dug deep in there necks and pushed in all the ketamine and watched as there eyes rolled back and they was out.

I signed and jumped landing safely on the grass and watched as they all jumped.we ran for about 5 minutes and as ee got to the end we jumped in the streets.

We ran for about an hour legit until we meet up in a park.we all took a seat on the swings and looked around and i spotted a police station from down here.

We made our way to it and entered."sir sir can i have a phone call please"i said and he looked up at me."well hi there what can i held your fine self with"Was this Abraham looking nigga trying to flirt with me.

"A phone call"i said plainly and grabbed the phone as he started talking again."so what are you girls doing in Brooklyn"he said and my eyes narrowed at him as i heard a voice that i've been wished to hear for a month now.

"Jacob"i said with tears in my eyes."J-jay...where the hell are you!!"he shouted."Brooklyn,were at a police station at.....263 Tompkins avenue"i said."ok im on my way right now,stay there im coming for you"he said and i smiled."i love you"i said as a tear rolled down my cheek."I love you to baby"he said.

I didnt expect him to be here in a flash cause from our house to here is legit 2hrs.We heard as a vehicle pulled up infront of the station.i ran outside with a huge smile only to be greeted by a guy.

"Who the fuck are you"i said."im diago...prince sent me to stay with you guys for protection"he said."your jazmine's friend"i said."Yea"he said as we walked back into the station."Diago"jazz said as she got up and hugged him.

Five minutes later the door burst open to reveal prince and kay.i ran to him and hugged him."Finally"i heard him say as he lifted me off the floor."where's sebastian"i said as i wiped my eyes."our moms have him"jacob said and i held his face.

I changed into some of kay's clothes which was a black dragon sweatshirt with one of his smallest basketball shorts and some nike socks.

I sat on the bed and the door opened 5 minutes later.He walked in and i kept my eyes in my lap.i really didnt wanna see him.

I felt as the bed sink down as he signed."are you going to talk"he said and i licked my lips not responding."well i'll just go first then.....i have absolutely nothing to tell you im not gonna tell you im sorry nothing homestly,i just want this to fucking end already"he said and stood up.

"Do you want us to try again or do you want this to end once and for all"he said and i looked up at him."im pregnant"i said and his lips parted."what"he said and i signed and rose up my sweatshirt.

"Im the father"he said and i looked at him like"nigga what"."No the father's jesus yes your the father you the only one ive had sex with for months now"i said and he ran his hand throw his now lightly short curls and i admired his changes for a while.

"Jazmine...jazmine,you ok"he said as he snapped his fingers in my face and i looked deep into his eyes and he slowly started to lean in and i didnt waste no time.

I gripped his neck and as our lips connected i felt sparks.As our tongues fought he gripped my ass and picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist.

He softly lay me down on the bed and pulled off his shirt as he came back to buisness and he pulled down my shorts and i held his hand."wait...the baby"i said and he looked me in my eyes and nodded ad he pulled back up my shorts and slipped back on his shirt."...lemme take you out..."

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