A year later

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Its been a year since jacob left with cooper and london them and I turned 9 months pregnant 2 days ago.i found out the gender of the baby when i first turned 6 months when i had my baby shower so everyone knows now.

Their entire team was given a two weeks vacation since when they've been putting in so much in practice and all the games.im actually alittle sad.im still not over jacob and i might of maybe told him i was over him and i had a boyfriend which lead him to gaining back his players ways and started fucking girls like in high school.My dad and him are shockingly good now and there having a stupid party for his coming back.i think there only good because everyone thinks im over him and fine with everything when im a wreck.

I was dressed in this;-

My two most bestfriends right now besides jazzy are T'vay and shockingly kris

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My two most bestfriends right now besides jazzy are T'vay and shockingly kris.shes like such a great girlfriend to talk to and she helped me get this outfit together actually.i left my room and walked into the hall to the kitchen.where I meet kris,t'vay and jazzy in these;-

"Look at my baby girl"kris said and i giggled as she and t'vay rushed over to me

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"Look at my baby girl"kris said and i giggled as she and t'vay rushed over to me."ohh jacob gon drool over you baby"t'vay said and i throw my hands in the air."please lets not say that name"i said and they giggled."i just wanna go and eat my ass full"i said.Did i mention i've gotten so thick like I look like this just with a big belly;-

  My hips are way more bigger,my boobs are fulling and my ass is as high as it can be

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My hips are way more bigger,my boobs are fulling and my ass is as high as it can be."im driving"Jazmine said and t'vay stood infront of her."no way jazzy.kris is driving you can go in the front seat if you want"t'vay said and i giggled she's right.we don't really trust Jazmine with driving now really.

As we pulled up to the building kris came out and helped me out the car.we walked down the red carpet and into the building.oh and also I cut my hair like really short like alittle below my ears.we entered the elevator and the doors closed."I hope he's not here already"i said and they all smiled."it's alright jj and if he is there then who gives a fuck.there are so much more hotter guys here"kris said and t'vay and jazzy nodded."honestly I don't know what you both saw in him...I mean he's not ugly but you know what I mean"Jazmine said."well he was really cute and sexy...and he could've made you smile by just him looking at you he was definitely the love of my life" i said looking at the floor and they all hugged me.

We all heard a ding and the elevator doors opened and we left the elevator.i searched the room for my parents when I found my mom and I started to approach her."mama" I said and she spun around hugging me tight at my shoulders."jaylen thank god your here...Jacob would be here in a good 5 minutes and I promised him that you would go up and you'll say alittle speech about him"she said and my huge smile turned into a frown."mom why would you do that"i said and she shake her head."he really wanted you to" she said and I signed trying my best not to cry and control my out of control emotions."ok mom I have to go to the bathroom"i said and she nodded.i eventually found the bathroom and entered the empty clean bathroom.i peed and came out looking at myself in the mirror and suddenly the door burst opened to reveal kris."jay,jay,jay"she said and I looked at her."what's the matter"i said trying to calm her down."he's here like out of the elevator in the building in the room"she said and I signed."ok let's go"i said and I grabbed her arm wrapping hers with mine and we walked out the bathroom.i searched the room and immediately found his curly fade and I got neavous."I can't do the speech"i said."Can we find london " I said and kris nodded.

We found london talking to my mom and I hugged her."lond I missed you"i said and she smiled."mom I'm not saying the speech"i said looking dead in her eyes."I understand sweetie" mom said and I looked her."thanks mama"i said and she smiled."well you'll have to talk to him because here he comes"kris whispered in my ear and I lost my breath as he was immediately standing infront of me."hey guys....jaylen"he said."we'll let you guys talk"my mom said and they all left leaving me standing there like an idiot with him.

"Wow look at how big your stomach is..may i"he asked and I nodded.he slowly approached me and rest his big hands on my stomach as he rubbed it."wow..hi"he said as he went on one knee and put his ear on my stomach and suddenly I felt a kick."oh wow...that was a hard one"i said and he smiled as he stood to his feet.hes like dead ass 6'3 and im down here at 5'6."well i've seen you've gotten thicker....especially in one particular place " he said looking behind me and I pushed his grown chest so he would back up a bit."what ever...um you know the gender right"i said."yea..a boy"he said smiling and I nodded."yep..a babyboy"i said rubbing my stomach."Look jay can we have dinner tomorrow " he said and I looked at him for a second before nodding my head.

We stopped infront a 2017 bugatti chiron and my jaw drop."jacob that's a 2017 bugatti chiron " I said as he put me down."I know..hop in"he said and I did as told."how the hell do you have this...it's over 2 million dollars jacob"i said and he sped off on 112."JACOB!"I shouted and he stopped and came to 60."I miss your jeep"i said."I don't " he said.

"How'd you know where I live"i said as he drove into the garage."gotta know where I'm staying right " he said I stared at him."please jay....I wanna spend every moment here with you....it's only 14 day babygirl no biggy"he said as he came out the car and came and opened the door for me."your annoying " he said and I hopped out."so you wanna tell me how you so bootylushous"."jacob".he chuckled.

I changed into this;-

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see jacob bareback cooking

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I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see jacob bareback cooking."what in the hell are you doing " I said and he spun around with a plate of lasagna and he rest it for me on the counter."taste"he said as he gave me a fork and i took a piece and put it in my mouth."omg jacob this is sooo damn good"i said with wide eyes and he smiled."thanks princess,im gonna take a nap um the remainder of the lasagna is in the over,night night"he said as he kissed my forehead."goodnight"i said and he walked off.i watched as his little booty twist in his jeans and his back muscles moved as his muscular hands swing.lord.

I crawled in bed and signed as i pulled the cover over me and i rubbed my belly and i smiled.i eventually fell asleep watching basketball wives.

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