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I hopped out the shower and walked to jazzy's closet.she has like only 10 pairs of shoes....with about 200 heel,wedge,pumps all the above really.

I eventually found something of my style.i had this on;-

I jugged down stairs and walked down the hall to the kitchen where everyone was sitting at the table."morning" i said and everyone smiled.

I sat between jacob and selena and as i sat all most eyes were on me."Your wearing a crop" jacob said looking at basically my boobs.

"Yea well it is jazmine's closet"i said."well why didnt you take from your clost"my eyes slowly raised towards the bat that sits infront me.

"I dont have any clothes here"i said and rolled my eyes."oh yeah i for got you got kicked out"she said."WHAT!i left"i said looking dead at her."what ever,but that means i can take from her closet to"she said and stood and i followed suit.

"Why when you have your own clothes"i screamed in her face."why when you have you own clothes at your own house bitch"she said.

At that moment i just said....FUCK IT😲😤

I took my plate and throw all my food on her while throwing my glass at her,i crawled on the table and got to her by her extensions."FUCK YOU HOE!"i swang her around like a fucking merry go round and i pushed her down and kicked her in the stomach and i couldnt finished cause i got grabbed by dad.

"JAYLEN!!!STOP!"Mom screamed which was followed by a horn.Great."Jacob lets go"i said and grabbed him hand."jay where are you going"he said and we walked out the house and there was Trevorn in his car.

"Jay your insane like wow"jacob said as trev drove off and i lay in the backseat stressed."Hey jack"i said."yes baby"he said looking at me through the mirror."im really stressted...can i be alone for a while"i said looking at him."yea sure,where do you wanna go"He asked."The spot"i said and he nodded."drive to griffith park"he said to trev.

I closed his door and went to the passenger seat."I'll see you later ok"jake said and i smiled,nodded and pecked his lips before walking off and towards the bush covered entrance of our spot.

I lay on the warm grass and looked up at the baby blue sky as tears fell beside my eyes i quickly cried myself to sleep feeling more released of stress.

I woke up and left the spot and i called an uber to come for me.i got home and it looked like jacob wasnt there so i walked up to our mail box and their was brown size box and it wrote jacob's name on it.

I walked in to the house and sat in the join room and checked out the box."whats inside here"i said to myself.i grabbed a mini knife from the kitchen and cut open the box as i returned to the coach.



As i walked into the house i heard soft sobbing and it got louder as i got closet to the living room and there sat jay on thr floor in tears.
"Jay why are you still up...its 11:30...come on"i tried touching her but i felt a sharp pain to my cheek.

"I hate you jacob...i just fucking hate you!"Jaylen said as she stood up from the floor eyeing me down and she throw a paper at me.
"What the fuck is this"i said as i started to open it."you've been fucking with the same girl who broke my leg....who put me through soooo much pain jacob....our entire relationship since then was a joke wasnt it jacob....whyyyyy!"she said with tears coming down her bloody red eyes.
"Im sorry it was one time it was an acci-"i started trying to finish my sentence and she throw and pillow at me."Get out jacob"she said and i signed as a tear fell down my cheek as i turned." wanna the worst part"she said as i faced her and she walked up to me."what"i said."im pregnant"she said as she prest a pegnuancy test on my cjest and i held it,that took my breath away."jaylen please let me explain what happen i want us to be a good family im soo glad your the mother of my first child"i said now on my knees begging."i need time to can still sleep in one of the guest rooms"she said and i hugged her and tried kissing her but she pushed my chest."Dont push your luck"she said and i nodded pulling away and she walked off.

I screwed up....big time😧.At lease im having a baby with the one woman i love soo much😍.
Ok im trying to figure out if i should stop this book at 30 chapters or continue it and make no sequel....😞

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