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This morning I got up happy because my best friend was next to me


She moved in yesterday and she officially lives here and she goes our school now soo u know.i hopped outta bed and hopped in the shower and came out and hopped in this;-

i came out and i sprayed my curls with its chocolate perfume and i brushed my teeth and put in my grill and i sprayed on my perfumes while putting on my rayband and lond had went in the shower and came out and put this on;-

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

i came out and i sprayed my curls with its chocolate perfume and i brushed my teeth and put in my grill and i sprayed on my perfumes while putting on my rayband and lond had went in the shower and came out and put this on;-

i came out and i sprayed my curls with its chocolate perfume and i brushed my teeth and put in my grill and i sprayed on my perfumes while putting on my rayband and lond had went in the shower and came out and put this on;-

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She kept her curls down and I just did my normal messy ponytail and I got my bag and she did the same with her blue MK bag and we left my room and walked downstairs to see jazz in this;-

we all walked down to the garage and me and lond hopped in my lambo while jazzy went in her rover and I drove out the garage and down the drive way and out the gates with jazzy behind me

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

we all walked down to the garage and me and lond hopped in my lambo while jazzy went in her rover and I drove out the garage and down the drive way and out the gates with jazzy behind me.We got to school and hopped out and started walking to the doors.
Me:hey take out the sandwiches outta my bag,I hungry.
We stopped and she took it out my bag and we started eating while walking in the school.
Lond:I can't wait to meet prince
Me:how many times u gone tell me that
Lond:until I see him bitch,duh
Me:OK then Lond,you'll see him in a bit but for now,let's go to the office and get your schedule and if u got first period with me,you'll get to see him.aight
We turned the corner and got to the principal's office and london went in while I waited outside.she came out and she gave me her schedule and we only had one class separated which was geography and we first had science so.
London:right I get to see prince.yay
Me:yep now let's get my textbooks
We walked to my locker where prince and trey was waiting for me.
Me:hey hey,sup Perez
London:jaylen I wanna see prince
Me:chillask he's right there
London:but u just called him Perez
Me:its from basketball
Me:princy this is london ,London this is prince, my boyfriend
London:he's cuter than u described him
She whispered in my ear and I laughed and she looked at trey and her eyes lit up.
London:HI!I'm London what's your name!
Me:this is trey
London:*giggles*hi trey
Trey:*little freaked out* uhhh hello,p-prince we gotta
He pulled prince's shoulder and he quickly kissed my cheek and walked with trey and Lindon looked sad.
London:did I do something wrong
Me:do trey's just.....stupid,don't worry I'll talk to him.let's go please.
We walked to science class and I sat in between prince and trey and London sat next to prince.
Me:trey what the hell bruhh
Me:y u act so around London
Trey:she seems weird
Me:dude she likes u like duhhh
Trey:OK but I don't have feelings for her
Me:u don't think she's pretty
Trey:actually no I think she a little ugly and I don't like her lips
I looked at him like he was crazy and I punched him and he held his shoulder and I made prince exchange places with me for that assholes safety.
Prince:was up with y'all
Me:London likes him and he fucking called her ugly like what the fuck
Prince:really,he called her ugly...that's shocking,she's really pretty
Me:I know
London:*laughs*u know I can hear both of u right
We turned to her with a smile
London:is trey a mean person
Prince:no not really he's always cool and chill with everyone
London:well what did I do to him I know him for a couple mins
Prince:I dunno
Me:talk to him please I don't wanna have to cut his dick off for calling my bestfriend ugly.
The bell rang and I got my bag and slipped off my stool and we all walked out and I walked straight to chemistry with prince and London and we meet up with jazz and tyri and we all walked in and and sit down at the back,mrs.Walker walked in and class had started.

It Was All A Lie*Princeton lovestory*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum