naruto's birthday

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Today is naruto's birthday and im gonna make him the best birthday ever! so i got team 7 except naruto of course and we broke in his house to see ramen and clothes everywhere. What the heck............ SO we had to clean first then we decorated the whole house.

As we entered this dopes house all we seen was ramen cups everywhere. He is such a messy loser.

This idiot is so messy ugh that little ant!

So messy man this is gonna be long oh well back to my book *giggles*

ANyway we decorated his house then i yelled "everybody hide you too dad! then i heard "aww man fine. -_- really dad anyway as we hid this guy (naruto) was clueless he said oh ramen as he Smells ramen on the table not even noticing that the lights are off. this idiot!!!!! then i ran to the lights and we all shouted"Happy birthday naruto/you idiot!!!! he smiled and said" thanks". then i got some music and we partied. THen there was a knock and we seen all naruto/our friends. THey came in and it was wild. They cant dance -_- anyway shika just sat on the couch and everyone else besides neji and hinata danced. once neji came he left to train. Like really why did you come you dummy. ANyway all hinata did was blush and look at naruto. Ino and sakura just fought over sasuke And sasuke actually came for the first time in forever! but all he really did was sit down and glare at nothing so i got him and we danced together.Now naruto was all over the place dancing. That goofball!


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