hey zabu-chan!

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(Killua is so cute *fangirls*)

We kept walking and and a sword flew at us and of course we ducked after dad said so. I ducked down but then started for a duck then saw sasuke. Then i said"i found the its on sasuke's head!" They sweatdropped and sighed.

"Uhh is she ok" i asked the copy cat ninja. He said"yeah shes always like that". Wow shes got problems.

So after they got done talking they fought and kakashi got captured and then naruto,suki and naruto fought him.

So dad got caught which i found lame but me ,naru,ducky fought him. Luckily i had a plan or we wouldve died. After zabuza 'died' we took dad to the house well when i mean we i mean me. "Man he is mad heavy dad you gotta stop eating ramen" i said. Jeez he really is heavy next time im cooking something that will not make him so heavy.

After a few minutes we arrived at tanza's house and layed kakashi-sensei on a mat and we went to eat but suki stayed so i did too. She looked a little sad so i hugged her. She was shocked at first but hugged me back.

I was just thinking about my mother and how i didnt get to spend time with her. My thoughts got interrupted by someone hugging me and it was naruto. Yes i was shocked but i hugged him back. Thanks naruto i said and ge nodded and went to go eat. I stayed there until my dad woke up. Then i had a flashback about my mother and i when i was 5 years old.


Little suki:hey mom can we pick some flowers

Yana(mom):of course honey kakashi! Suki and i are gonna to go to a field to pick some flowers wanna go?

Kakashi:no thanks im going on a mission

Yana:ok then bye honey

Kakashi:bye babe

Suki:when can i go on a mission

Yana:when your older


~flashback end~

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