getting the form

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So after our conversations with other teams as went to our training area to meet up with dad. "Where is he!?" Naruto kept complaining. I don't get why in the helabent is he always late.
(A/n: I got the word from shark tale)  anyway I was tired so I sat down and closed my eyes. But what I didn't notice was sasuke was right next to me sleeping on my shoulder.

I'm surrounded by idiots. Everybody here is weak and useless anyway kakashi-sensei still hasn't come yet and everyone well just naruto is complaining. When suki sat down and closed her eyes I felt as if I should do the same and I did but instead of putting my head on the tree I put my head on suki. Suki is right next to me so why not.

What is suki doing to sasuke-kun ??! Why are they laying together!?!? I'm the one who is supposed to be with sasuke-kun laying down.

What is that teme doing to suki?!?!?! This is not supposed to happen Grr.... this makes me so mad. "What are you gonna do about it think......" I thought to myself. Sasuke is not getting suki without a fight.

After a few hours kakashi finally showed up and used his famous line "I got lost in the path of life". Then Naruto started yelling and then kakashi handed them their forms.

As I got there Naruto opened his big mouth. "Here this is the form for the chunin exams" I said giving them the forms.  But then suki said "dad I heard that you can't have four members well five including you in a team" . Well at least she knows she's going by herself. " your right so you are going solo" I said having faith that she will survive this. "Yahoooo!!!!! I'm going solo" she yelled as she thrust her fist up.  I can tell this is gonna be a long day.

"I can't wait for the chewing exams" I shouted everyone looked at me and sweatdropped. "Umm suki it's chunin exams " dad said sweatdropping. "Oh oops my bad" I said laughing while sweatdropping. BRING IT ON CHEWING EXAMS!!

I will crush all my opponents and get my revenge from my brother.

Alright!!! Can't wait I'm gonna beat everyone BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!

I don't think I can do this I might not take the exams. This is gonna be a hard day. Good luck to me. I'm definitely going to need it.

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