c-ranked mission

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(Aww the family so cute!)

The hokage said "let the client come in" and the client came in. He was judging us like really. Anyway everyone left except me because the hokage wanted me.

Third hokage
"I told you to stay here because i want you to be 6th hokage". She was shocked but nodded and left. My time will be over soon i just know it.

Wow im the 6th hokage i wonder who will be the 5th oh well. I went to the gate where dad and team 7 were. I ran to them and said"im gonna be-- then i stopped because i felt a strange chakara. They looked at me weirdly . naruto said"your gonna be what"? I said"you guys might not believe me but im gonna become the 6th hokage"! They looked shocked and sakura said"no way your hokage your to stupid to". I got mad and punched her head. She fell and got mad but ignored me and started fangirling over ducky. Anyway we left the hidden leaf talking about it. After a few hours naruto belived me when i had to put in pre-school terms or words. *sighs* hes such an idiot sometimes .

I can't believe suki is hokage!?!? That means shes stronger than me and that also means i cant beat him.

Cha! That cant be right she cant be hokage!! Shes trying to impress my sasuke-kun by saying shes hokage. Hes mine!!!

Im really happy for my daughter. I believe her because the hokage told me that she was as strong as him. I trained her well. I bet yana will be proud like i am.


Little did they know someone is coming for them

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