the Academy

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My alarm went off and I woke, got my clothes on and went to the academy. I asked a lady what room I was supposed to be in and she said "room 24". I nodded and went to class.

Time skip~

I finally found the room and heard a faint 'come in' so I did and seen kids looking at me. I seen A duckbutt, a blonde, a pineapple head, a dog boy and fangirls. So the man said "hello I'm iruka but you can call me iruka-sensei. Please introduce yourself and take a seat where ever you like". I nodded and said"I'm Suki hatake". He sweatdropped and I sat down next to a blonde kid. "Hi my name is naruto uzumaki and I'm gonna be hokage believe it". I smiled and said " I believe it naruto" and he looked at me shocked then smiled. After our talk we went outside and started sparing . It was naruto vs kiba, me vs sasuke, ino vs sakura ect. So naruto won, I won and it was a tie for ino and sakura. After the sparing we went home.

After our sparing I seen Suki walk home so I ran up to her. "Hey Suki wait up" I said as she turned around and smiled."wanna go for some ramen"? "Sure naruto" then we were on our way.

At the ramen place

We sat down and I ordered the usual and got Suki the same on as me. After I ate 17 bowls of ramen I looked over at Suki and seen she ate 16 bowl. I looked at her shocked and she asked "what" and I said "well I've never seen a girl that eats like me usually girls only eat a half of bowl or one bowl" she told me that whoever does that is stupid if your hungry eat. I agreed with her and paid for our ramen.

After naruto paid for the food hle walked me home. We said our goodbye's and i went in my house to see kakashi and this other girl kissing on the freaking couch?!?!?!!??!



WHAT REALLY HAPPEND: I went inside to see kakashi sleep on the couch with the book covered over. So I went upstairs and got him a blanket. I went into the fridge and got a drink . After I drunk water I went into my room thinking about tomorrow as I put my PJs on and went to sleep.

After I walked suki home I went home and git my PJs on. Then I laied down thinking about suki.

Author:oooooo is naruto the one for her

Kakashi:I will not allow it!!

Suki:daaad really??


Author:ooo naruto is blushing

Hinata: oh no!!

Suki: uhhh hinata you ok

Hinata: stay away from naruto-kun!!

Suki: calm down we are not together dang

Shika:this us such a drag author doesn't own naruto only suki. Also comment like and share this book with others *yawns*

Author :*sweatdrops* thanks shika but your so lazy geez.

Eveyone: bye guys see ya next time


Fangirls:KYAAAA!!! SO HOT!!

*author kicks all the fangirls out*

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