meeting the siblings

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So we got back to kohona and was greeted by the hokage. We told him what happend and he nodded so we left well when i said we i ment me! Haha cant catch me alive suckers!!! "Suki! Get back here!!!" Dad yelled but all i did was laugh and kept running then stopped.

Little did she know that someone is watching her every move.

Itachi (didnt expect that)
I seen a girl with white hair running and sge had alot of chakra. That must be the girl leader-sama was talking about.

After like 50 hours of chasing her finally got her believe it!!! Then we saw Konahomaru and his friends. Sakura-chan told me that im a loser and i was sad but then suki insulted her. She said"says the one who is useless on missions with that big forehead". I laughed my butt off and thats when sakura-chan chased her. Konahomaru asked "is the one with pibk haur your girlfriend"? I was about to say yes but she bonked my head. It hurt believe it!!!! Anyway Konahomaru said"eww she has a bif forehead" and sakura went wild. Konahomaru (sp?) Ran into someone and the guy picked him up by the scarf. "Let him go "!!! He kept messing with him until


Then the guy flew. (Oooo he flew anybody know where thats from?)

I seen this cat/man thing trying to eat Konahomaru up so i punched and kicked him. He of course flew into 5 trees. Was my kick that hard? He got up and ran back to us until he saw me and started flirting with me. Ewwwwwwwwww so i kicked where the sun dont shine and he fell. I went up to a tree to see a red head there. So i stared at him until i got his attention. He looked at me and i blushed amd looked away to see Konahomaru standing next to naruto.  (Her blushing:)

 Then the red head guy said"stop or ill kill you" the cat guy stopped was scared? Anyway all the drama ended and sasuke just had to be cocky and had to say something

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Then the red head guy said"stop or ill kill you" the cat guy stopped was scared? Anyway all the drama ended and sasuke just had to be cocky and had to say something . Sasuke said"wait who are you". The girl with 4 pigtails said "me?" While blushing. Eww another fangirl much. He said " no the one with the red hair". (Sorry i changed it) then the red haired guy said"my name is garra of the sand and i want to know who you and that white haired girl are". Sasuke saod his name and i was about to until sasuke said "you dont need to know her name". I looked at him like he was crazy and said my name anyway. Who is he to tell if i can say my name to people or not. Bruh. Naruto yelled "i bet you wanna know my name"! Then stupid sakura stopped tgem again and said"why are you guys here"? I answered for them and said"you idiot they are supposed to be here because of the chewing exams". Sakura looked confused "chewing"? Then. Pigtails said do you guys live under a rock? We are here for the chunin exams". Then sakura finally closed her mouth and naruto just had to ask "whats chunin exams". I looked at him like really? Then i said"bruh its in the name". He finally realized and blushed. What an idiot. But thats still my bestie!! After all the drama and intros we all went to the training area where we were supposed to meet dad.. He was 5o hours late jeez what could he be doing to make him so late? He signed us up for the chunin exams but told me i had to go alone. I was ok with it because im still gonna beat every one here!

I have to tell leader-sama that i finally found the girl we are looking for.

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